
<アクセス> JR和歌山線 笠田駅より かつらぎ町コミュニティバス または妙寺駅より高野参詣道三谷坂を7.5km 約2時間30分


Niutsuhime Jinja shrine

Niutsuhime Jinja shrine is located at the foot of Koyasan, and designated as a World Herrtage site.

The truth is Koyasan is part of the sacred district in Niutsuhime Jinja shrine.

When Kukai was looking for a suitable place for the headquarters of the Shingon school of esoteric
Buddhism in the mountains in Nara prefecture, he met a hunter with a dog (Kariba Myojin) and the
hunter disappeared but his dog led Kukai to Koyasan.

After that he met Niu Myojin at the shrine he guided, and he was given Koyasan.

Niutsuhime Jinja shrine enshrines Niutsuhime-no-ookami and Takanomiko-no-ookami: Kariba Myojin.

Niutsuhime-no-ookami refers to Wakahirume-no-mikoto yunger sister of Amaterasu-oomikami.

For that reason, Kukai enshrined Niutsuhime-no-ookami and Kariba Myojin first when he established

acessKatsuragi cho community bus: jinja mae from Kaseda Sta. JR Wakayama Line, or about two hours and thirty minutes walk on Koya sankei Michi-Mitani Zaka 7.5km distance from Myodera Sta. JR Wakayama Line