

80% of Covid-Vaxxed Pregnant Women Suffered Miscarriages


Frank Bergman May 2, 2024
フランク・バーグマン 2024年5月2日


Official government data has emerged that shows that a staggering number of pregnant women suffered miscarriages and other reproductive ailments after they received a Covid mRNA shot.



Two sets of data have revealed that both the Canadian and U.S. governments were aware of the harm caused to pregnant women but kept the information hidden from the public while pushing the “safe and effective” narrative.



A Canadian government database was exposed in a new report showing an explosion of horrific side effects among expectant mothers who received the mRNA injections.



In Canada, governments and businesses widely mandated the Covid mRNA shots during the pandemic.


“It is past time for the Canadian medical and government establishment, along with mainstream medical professionals and legacy media, to stop gaslighting suffering patients,” explains a report from Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly of the Daily Clout.





“It is time for them to explore the dramatic evidence of the relationship between Covid vaccination rollout and the reproductive damage that tens of if not thousands of patients suffered.”



According to the database, the average number of patients assigned the following reproduction-related diagnostic codes increased, on average, in every category for 2021 to 2022 over 2015 to 2019, the report notes.



“This means that Canadian medical professionals found more Ontarians suffering from the following conditions after over eighty-five percent of the population had taken COVID vaccines.”



The report reveals that “Infertility in both men and women” has soared dramatically.


この報告書は、ー 新型コロナウイルスワクチンを接種した後ー「男性と女性の両方における不妊症」が劇的に増加していることを明らかにしています。

The data also shows low sperm count and absence of sperm in semen in Covid-vaxxed men.


このデータは、ー 新型コロナウイルスワクチンを接種した後ー 新型コロナウイルスに感染した男性の精子数が低く、精液中に精子が存在しないことも示している。

“Inflamed fallopian tubes and ovaries,” as well as pelvic inflammatory disease, which can lead to ectopic pregnancy, infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and other related complications were also recorded.



“Menopausal and post-menopausal bleeding” as well as “disorders of menstruation,” were found in large numbers of women, the report notes,



“Miscarriages including missed abortions, incomplete abortions, and complete abortions,” the data shows.






The statistics were revealed in the Ontario Health Insurance Plan’s database.



“This dataset includes about six million unique patients,” Wolf and Kelly explain.


「このデータセットには約 600 万人の固有の患者が含まれています」と Wolf 氏と Kelly 氏は説明します。

“Importantly, it contains four years of ‘baseline’ data from before COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines appeared in Canada, as well as data from 2020, when only COVID-19  – the disease – was present, and the ‘COVID vaccine years’ of 2021 and 2022.



“This gives us a window into the health changes Ontarians experienced following the introduction Covid vaccines, of which over eighty-five percent of Ontario residents took two doses by March 30, 2022.



“About fifty percent of people in Ontario received a third ‘booster’ dose by that same date.



“Therefore, the data reflects a very highly vaccinated population and the fallout from those vaccinations,” the report said.



Among the details from the government evidence was that “male infertility, oligospermia, azoospermia” cases rose from 24,608 during the pre-Covid years to 32,696 after.




Cases of acute or chronic salpingitis, oophoritis or abscess, and pelvic inflammatory disease rose from 6,966 to 7,506.
Menstruation disorders rose from 408,717 to 418,713.




“Menopause, post-menopausal bleeding” cases surged from 171,666 to 193,871, and “infertility” was up from 94,039 to 112,450.



“Other disorders of female genital organs” rose from 93,619 to 113,621.
The “missed abortions” rose from 13,323 to 15,215.








The report asserts that the evidence “reveals a clear increase in diseases and disorders of human reproduction temporally following the deployment on the majority of a population of a novel and not yet completely tested medical intervention.



“A government database consisting of millions of Canadian citizens now corroborates claims and warnings — e.g., women reporting significant menstrual changes post-Covid vaccination in 2021 and 2022 — that until now many have dismissed as ‘anecdotal.'”



It wasn’t only the Canadian government that was aware of the issue,however.
U.S. federal agencies were also aware of the dangers that the Covid injections posed to pregnant women since shortly after the shots were rolled out for public use in early 2021.




During a panel discussion at the Wellness Company’s Spike Symposium, Dr. Wolf joined several leading experts to break down clinical trial data that pharmaceutical companies were fighting to keep hidden from the public.



Pfizer had desperately attempted to cover up the adverse effects of its experimental Covid mRNA vaccines on fertility and newborns.



“There’s a section in the Pfizer documents where there’s an 80% miscarriage rate of the women whom they’re following to term,” Wolf said.
“And they happen to lose 236 out of the 270 records of the pregnant women that they have.

“But the ones that they keep, 80% lose their babies.”







She went on to describe the batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents known as Report 69 which detail how Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies.


彼女は続けて、レポート69として知られるファイザーの一連の臨床試験文書について説明し、ファイザーとFDAが2021年初頭までにファイザーのmRNA 新型コロナウイルスワクチンBNT162b2が胎児や乳児にひどい被害をもたらしたことをどのようにして知っていたのかを詳述した。

“It shows that Pfizer knew that babies in utero were being exposed to the vaccine,” she said.
“In their words, the babies were dying through ‘transplacental exposure.’







出産時における臍帯血の採取は、母体血-臍帯血中濃度比(in vivo F:M比)の測定が,胎児薬物曝露量の指標として用いられている。

ただし、in vivo F:M比が得られるのは妊婦での安全性が既に確立した薬物に限られ、それ以外の薬物の曝露量は推定に基づき評価することになる。

“But they knew that and they knew that they were poisoning breastmilk and that the lipid nanoparticles, the mRNA, and presumably the spike [protein] was making it into the breastmilk and causing convulsions and deaths.”





