




米国(38) 遂に狂ったバイデン大統領候補




MailOnline News

Hunter Biden's ex-business partner says Joe DID know about son's deal with Chinese energy firm and IS 'the big guy' in email set to get 10% cut of the deal




Tony Bobulinski said he was Hunter Biden's business partner in 2017
Bobulinski said Hunter brought him into joint venture with Chinese energy firm 
Hunter Biden was involved with China's largest private energy company CEFC
He was given equity, ownership of a holding company and huge consulting fees
He also allegedly held a share of the equity for his father Joe Biden 
Sources told Fox News that a person identified only as 'the big guy' in an email about equity payments was the former Vice President 
Hunter was dealing with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming who has since vanished 
Bobulinski said in his statement that 'the big guy' was indeed Joe Biden 
He also confirmed authenticity of emails recovered from Hunter Biden's laptop 



















A man who describes himself as a former business partner of Hunter Biden says he heard him and his father, Joe Biden, discuss his dealings with a mysterious Chinese energy firm in 2017 and that the former vice president was due to receive a share of the profits.
Tony Bobulinski issued a statement on Wednesday saying that he personally witnessed Biden discuss business deals with his son, Hunter, contradicting claims by the former vice president.
'I've seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business.


ハンター・バイデンの元ビジネスパートナーであると自称する男性は、2017年に彼と父親のジョー・バイデンが謎の中国のエネルギー会社との取引について話し合うのを聞いたと言い、前副大統領バイデンは利益の一部を受け取る予定だったと述べています 。





'I've seen firsthand that that's not true, because it wasn't just Hunter's business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.'



Bobulinski claimed that the Chinese were pursuing the deal as a 'political or influence investment' and that Hunter Biden was 'using the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese.'



He said in his statement that he 'took steps to prevent that from happening.' 
The Senate Homeland Security Committee said it was getting in touch with Bobulinski to speak to him.
'The committee is working to validate information being revealed by multiple sources,' the Republican majority said in a statement.





'As part of those efforts, we have reached out to several individuals named in recently revealed emails, including Tony Bobulinski. We look forward to their cooperation in helping us uncover the truth.'


「これらの取り組みの一環として、最近公開されたメールに記載されているトニー・ボブリンスキーなど、数人の個人に連絡を取りました。 私たちは、私たちが真実を明らかにするのを助けるために彼らの協力を楽しみにしています。」


Bobulinski named the company as Sinohawk Holdings. That company was set up secretively in Delaware in 2017, never filed any annual reports, and was cancelled by the Delaware regulator in June 2020 for failing to pay its tax assessment to the state. Nobody is named on the company's documents. 


ボブリンスキーは会社をシノホークホールディングスと名付けました。 その会社は2017年にデラウェアに密かに設立され、年次報告書を提出することはなく、州への税務査定の支払いを怠ったため、2020年6月にデラウェア規制当局によって取り消されました。 会社の文書には誰も名前がありません。

Bobulinski also said in his statement that he was one of the recipients of the email from one of Hunter Biden's business partners which  involved a deal with a Chinese energy firm in May 2017 which promised a 10 per cent cut for a person known as 'the big guy.'
Bobulinski claimed in his statement that 'the big guy' is Joe Biden.







Tony Bobulinski, who describes himself as Hunter Biden's former business partner said in a statement on Wednesday that Joe Biden and his son discussed business dealings with a Chinese energy firm and that the former vice president was in line to receive a cut from a joint venture in 2017. He served four years in the Navy and is now an investment adviser




ー 前副大統領ジョー・バイデンと彼の息子が中国のエネルギー会社との商取引について話し合っており、ジョー・バイデンは 2017年合弁事業からの分け前を受ける予定であると述べました。彼は海軍で4年間勤務し、現在は投資顧問を務めています。


Bobulinski said Joe Biden was 'the big guy' referenced in an email that he received along with other investors in a joint venture involving Hunter Biden and others in 2017




The May 13, 2017, email sent to Hunter Biden by James Gilliar, who worked at a consulting firm J2cR, has been authenticated by others included on the chain, according to Fox News. Fox News and the Post, both of which are owned by Trump ally Rupert Murdoch, also claimed that sources have confirmed Joe Biden was 'the big guy' listed among the six people who would receive the payments 





The payees were only identified with initials and nicknames with a note stating that 'the big guy' would get his payment through 'H'.
'H' is his son Hunter, sources told Fox, who would receive 20 percent.




Titled 'Expectations', it details 'remuneration packages' for six people in a business venture.


Hunter was identified as the 'chair/vice chair depending on agreement with CEFC', an apparent reference to the now bankrupt Shanghai conglomerate China Energy Co.





His pay was '850' and the correspondence also noted how he 'has some office expectations he will elaborate'.



The email also outlines a 'provisional agreement' where 80 per cent of the 'equity' would be shared equally among four people whose initials appear to relate to Hunter and three other recipients. 




The sender of the email, Gilliar, said: 'I am happy to raise any detail with Zang if there is shortfalls?' 



The email divides the equity into '20 H' - meaning 20 per cent equity to Hunter; 20 per cent to RW, meaning Rob Walker, also of the jc2r consultancy; 20 per cent to another man called Tony Bubulinski.

The remaining 20 per cent was split with 10 per cent going to 'Jim' who is otherwise unnamed, and then '10 held by H for the big guy?' 


電子メールは、資本を「20 H」に分割します。これは、ハンターの20%の資本を意味します。 RWの20%、つまりjc2rコンサルタントのロブウォーカー。同様に、トニーブブリンスキーと呼ばれる別の男に20パーセント。



The big guy was previously unnamed until Fox claimed Friday that it was in reference to Joe Biden. 
Zang appears to be a reference to Zang Jian Jun who was the former executive director of CEFC.



Zang(ザング)は、参照としてCEFCの元事務局長であったZang JianJun(註)のように思われます。


(註)Zhang Jian-Jun
中国名「張健君」。上海とニューヨークを拠点とする中国の現代アーティスト兼キュレーターです。彼は1980年代に上海で中国の前衛的なアートシーンのアクティブなメンバーであることで知られています。彼は現在、ニューヨーク大学上海の臨床准教授です。 ウィキペディア(英語)


According to the alleged emails published by the Post about his Chinese dealings, Hunter also struck a deal for $30 million plus bonuses 'based on introductions alone' over three years after his father left office, then was offered a 'much more lasting and lucrative arrangement.'  

ポストが中国との取引について発表したとされる電子メールによると、ハンターは父親が副大統領を辞任してから3年以上にわたって「紹介だけに基づいて」3,000万ドルとボーナスの契約を結び、その後「はるかに永続的で儲かる取り決め」を提供されました 。」


The emails were sent when Biden was no longer Vice President and Trump was in office. 
Biden has previously scoffed at Trump's anti-Beijing rhetoric and reassured voters that China doesn't pose a significant threat.





Last May he told voters: 'China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man ... They're not bad folks, folks … They're not competition for us.'
And the year before he said the US was 'better positioned than any nation in the world to own the 21st century,' saying that China is 'a divided country in 1,000 ways ... Don't tell me China's going to own America. It's not possible.'



「中国は私たちの昼食を食べるつもりですか? 冗談じゃない、やれやれ...



そして彼が言う前の年、彼が、米国は「21世紀を勝利するために世界のどの国よりも良い位置にある」と言って、中国は「1,000の方法で分割された国です...中国がアメリカに勝つ予定だと私に言わないでください。 不可能です。


The Post's publication of the emails was met with skepticism and prompted Twitter to block users from sharing the link to the original story. 



Democrats have claimed that the emails were the product of Russian disinformation, but intelligence officials in the Trump administration deny this. 



The Post released emails and photos purporting to be from Hunter Biden's laptop that Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani says he got from a computer repair shop owner who gave it to his own lawyer.  




Bobulinski, a former Navy veteran, said he was brought in to be a CEO in a joint venture involving the Biden family and Ye Jianming, the chairman and founder of CEFC China Energy.


According to Bobulinski, the joint venture was to include Joe Biden - 'the Big Guy' - and his brother, Jim Biden.




'Hunter Biden called his dad 'the Big Guy' or 'my Chairman,' and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing,' Bobulinski said in his statement.




Bobulinski accused the Bidens of going 'behind my back' and receiving millions of dollars from the Chinese 'even though they told me they hadn't and wouldn't do that to their partners.'




I would ask the Biden family to address the American people and outline the facts so I can go back to being irrelevant - and so I am not put in a position to have to answer those questions for them,' he said.





'I don't have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw.


「私には他意がありません。 私はバイデンの秘密を成り行きで見、私は自分が見たものに関心を持ち始めました。


'The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist controlled China.'




Earlier on Wednesday, Joe Biden ripped Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, a Republican who has used his committee perch to probe Hunter Biden.






Trump said Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson should be 'ashamed of himself'



The New York Post published a photograph, said to be found on an abandoned laptop, showing Hunter with a crack pipe in his mouth, left. 





A series of compromising pictures of Democratic candidate Joe Biden's son Hunter, 50, (above) have been released just weeks ahead of the US election on November 3





