Most Important Things For WFH

First of all, the most important thing when working from home is to slack off. You can work on the task without rushing. Actually, good ideas tend to occur to you when you are laid back with a cup of tea. You don’t have to worry if you are doing alright, or being up to your boss’s expectations. You can always propose a new project or an idea in the regular meeting, but at the same time, you need to lead him to the right track if he seems like he’s lost. He is likely to put his ideas and projects first before anything else, so you might want to support him than pushing him to your ideas or the project. 

Take Advantage Of Your Strength

I used to search for things that I can’t handle, and then I would always try my best to get the hang of it to meet someone’s expectations. But it was WRONG. Take the cards you have and look all of them carefully. The results will be best always when utilizing a card you have - the cards are your strengths. You might think like this:  "I know I’m good at this. I’m pretty confident about handling this and that. BUT, most of them aren’t related to work at all." WRONG. You can always use your ability which you think you’re good at on the task or work you have to complete. Use your cards. It’s fun to think what cards can solve the problem you’re facing.

Try your best to avoid taking responsibility 

Don’t forget about the fact - this is not the company where you desperately stick to. The concept of the company is "What makes the CEO happy and satisfied." Basically, he’s the one who wants to do the final decision. We are the troop that should help him get some satisfaction. We don’t have to take responsibility for anything unless the project is yours. Let him do what he wants to do and all we have to do is SUPPORT him. 

To Lead A Better Life

Life can be hard in case you want to believe so. Life can be entertaining if we make it to be. - Metabolism is considered as a physical phenomenon. However, I think it also applies to your mind. How to metabolize your mind? Firstly, get inspired, learn new things and input all of those sparkly things and ideas from your OWN experience. It could be from hanging out with your family and friends, exploring new spots and places, traveling to somewhere, playing sports, watching sports, watching movies, going to see a musical or a concert, chilling out at your favorite spots and enjoying arts and music. Anything can inspire you. That’s how you eat (input). Subsequently, you need to ruminate on your own "food" (ideas) before you put out your own recipes (output).