


愛してる 何もかも

でも 誰よりも孤独

そんないのちの話 聞いて


完璧で 不完全で

見えないけれど 見てる



その子は 他の誰とも違う

でも本当は みんなと同じ


その子の胸に 流れるメロディ


それはまるで あなたの歌だから


無理して 笑ったりしない

強がったり 我慢したりもしない


伝えられない でも信じることをやめない

そんな ひとつのいのち


その子は 過去も未来も超えて

今 目の前のあなたに向けて

溢れる思い 託して歌う


それはきっと 果てない愛だから


これはきっと あなたの物語


( 詩:高橋亜子 / 曲:桑原まこ/ ©️ConSept)


The lovely singing voice has reached me here in New York.

May the message be conveyed to you all.



"I love you. I love everything."

But she is all alone.

Listen to the story of her life.


Perfect, and imperfect.

She doesn't see, but she sees.

Listen to the story of her life.


That child is like no one else.

But in truth, she's just like everyone else.


The melody that flows through her heart

Please listen to it.


It may be your song.


She won't give up

She won't force herself to smile.

She won't try to be strong. She won't try to be patient.


She can't tell you, but she won't stop believing.

Such a life.


That child transcends the past and future.

Now, for you

She sings to you, entrusting her overflowing thoughts to you.

Please accept it

For it is undoubtedly an endless love


This must be your story.


(Lylics: Ako Takahashi / Music: Mako Kuwabara / ©️ConSept)