


Thank you for participating in the 16th SBM Detox Seminar. We would like to share Customer Feedback #1.






I am deeply grateful for the invaluable assistance provided at the recent SBM seminar. Although the 6-hour workshop was not easy, the skilled and supportive guidance of Mika made all the difference, allowing me to successfully complete it.

With the incorporation of glucosamine and enzymes, I noticed a significant response in my muscles to the exercises throughout the seminar. The extensive workout left me feeling the results not only immediately afterward but also the next day. This tangible improvement in my physical condition is a testament to the effectiveness of the seminar and the quality of instruction.

Mika’s expertise and encouragement were crucial throughout the session. Her ability to create a supportive and motivating atmosphere helped me push through the challenges. I am truly thankful to Mika for introducing SBM Detox Seminar to me and for allowing me to join the seminar.  I look forward to continuing my journey with SBM under her guidance.


















  SBM歴2年  SBMデトックスセミナー6回目のお客様のご感想


SBM’s thoughts on 7th July 2024: 


During this 4-day fasting and detoxification, I consumed the "濃熟" Bio zyme drink and "Lily and Gold enzyme paste," which miraculously completely emptied my stomach and made me feel extremely comfortable and mentally at ease. I did not experience the slightest sense of ennui. Not only did my body produce great results internally, but there were also some noticeable changes on the surface of my skin. 


In this 6-hour SBM seminar, I once again realized the importance of waist and neck health care. Although I felt a little sore during the last 45 minutes of waist exercise, I still completed my task successfully. However, I felt very stable and comfortable during the neck movements, feel like I have more mobility in my neck than before. 


In any case, I still gained a lot from this seminar. Once again, I would like to thank Mika for her careful guidance, which makes me more confident in facing a healthy future.


7月7日 SBMの感想

4日間の断食の間、「濃熟」バイオザイム飲料と「Lily and Gold酵素ペースト」を摂取しました。これらは奇跡的に胃腸を完全に空にし、非常に快適で精神的にも落ち着いた気分にさせてくれました。少しの退屈感も感じませんでした。体内で素晴らしい結果を生み出しただけでなく、肌の表面にも目に見える変化がありました。








時差ぼけもなく、体、胃腸がすっきりです。とお元気な姿でセミナーにお見えになられました。継続して参加されているSBMデトックスセミナー 今回も集中して安定したSBMでお見事でした。首の動きを拝見していて、顎がさらに上がり、可動域もおっしゃるようにさらに広がりましたね。頭皮の状態も一気に変わってきたのがわかりました拍手拍手拍手

次回のレッスンでのBody Checkが楽しみです。






🇬🇧第17回SBMデトックスセミナー 11月開催です!