U-KISS + KISS-ME is LOVE & UNITY | Fish の little resting corner

Fish の little resting corner


Spent 168 bucks

Tonned over 24 hrs

bc I really wanted to see U-KISS again ever since the June fanmeet

but ended up I got

unfair shitty treatment from the organizer

who lies to us all the time and think that we are stupid enough to actually believe what they said

Sent fake fans who don't even know how to sing and dance to U-KISS's song on stage to play game

and won their prizes

I .....................................................

What even pissed me off was the mc of the concert

Acted so nice in front of the boys

Then stabbed them behind their backs

Supposedly it was their managers being meant to you, it wasn't the boys' fault


Why are you blaming the boys for it...

And to talk about it, which manager isn't mean or harsh?

Just that you haven't met the worst one before

So shut up!

Managers are suppose to be over-protective too

If not, how to protect the boys from super crazy fans

And you apologized when you realised things had gotten out of control and tried

saying the boys are cute and sweet

it won't help

I feel so disgusted by you as a singaporean...what a disgrace

To think the boys have to say sorry on behalf of their managers

I almost wanted to cry...

They don't have to... really...

I understand that's part of the manager's job

what hurt me most was when the boys actually found out the real reason why they

were trending

that kind of feeling was like "suddenly the whole sky fell and dropped on you"

I don't feel good really...

It came across me that

human beings are the scariest creatures on earth

acting and yet saying so differently

I can try to forget but not forgive...

I will love the boys to come back Singapore again but yet I am scared that they

will meet some unhappy incident again

NHM, can you please choose some decent organisers like Warner instead of some

random stupid clubbing ppls who only thought of earning money to host the event


I don't mind seeing the boys at a later time if you can't find a proper

organizer in the meantime

We care about the boys too

We feel more hurt if the boys are sad


enough of ranting

what happened had already happened

no use harping on it

KISS-MEs are united worldwide and will always be there for U-KISS

the group which really deserves the best of everything



ps: love manager shin/shim/won too for always taking care of them and protecting them