which one which one?!?!!?! | Fish の little resting corner

Fish の little resting corner


LOL I actually forgot one of the most important items to bring o__o

$Fish の little resting corner

Made 2 of it 音譜
But still thinking which one to bring ( ̄ー ̄;
it's troublesome when you have more than 1 choices...

Oh ya, U-KISS will be reaching Singapore in about 2 hrs time~ニコニコ

Hopefully they don't get mobbed at the airport later~
Bitches, don't you hurt the boys!!!!

Arh~~~~ can't make it already...tooooo hungry (T_T)
Gonna find some food to eat~ Beom~♥

Ps:Panda, see ya tonight!
Don't oversleep k~ >_<