旅行雑誌の調査では、A survey of a travel magazine ranked Japan as the most popular desination of the world. 世界一人気の国は日本でした。フランスが20位であることを考えると嬉しい結果です。I'm glad as France was the 20th place in the same questionare.

ただ、ギャラップ調査では同じ調査の第1位はドイツでした。Yet according to a Gallap survey, Germany was the best in the same kind of question. 旅行先ではなく、「もし住むとしたら」と考えた場合でしょうか?I'm not sure, but it may not be a choice as a tourist but as an immigrant. The second place goes to the U.S. 2位はアメリカでした。

この2カ国は移民を多く受け入れていて、These two have accepted immigration for years, and some of them have become successful in their businesses, so the result is convincing.  成功している人もいるのでわかります。

それにしてもこの調査で3位が中国、4位がロシアと言うのはどうもわかりません。On the other hand, the survey said the third and the fourth place were China and Russia respectively. 暮らしやすいとは思えないのですが、理由は何でしょうか?It's unbelievable since they don't seem to be friendly to outsiders. Why is that? 

日本は清潔で交通機関も発達していて、Japan is clean with an excelellent transportation system, and a variety of healthy delicious dishes. 料理も健康的で美味しいので、旅行先としては以前から魅力があったと思います。These elements have made it as an attractive place to visit for a long time. 最近は円安が進んで滞在費が安いためにさらに人気が出ています。In recent years, easing yen has lowered the travel expenses, thus making the country further popular. 

でも、日本はまだ移民を積極的に受け入れてはいません。Japan, however, has yet to accept immigrants actively. 今の均質な社会を維持したい人が多いのは仕方がないことですが、It can't be denied that some people want to keep a homogeneous society, but our population is gradually declining. 人口が減っている現状を考えれば、考え方を根本的に変えて、Under this circumstances, we need to change our stance radically to welcome newcomers while preparing facilities to support them. 海外の人を歓迎する態勢を作るべきではないでしょうか?

多くの中東やアフリカ難民を受け入れているヨーロッパでも移民排斥運動が起こっているのを見ると、Seeing movements in Europe to object to  immigration surged after refugees from the middle east and Africa flooded into the region, 日本では混乱が起こらないようにしたいです。I want Japan to stay peaceful when we have immigrants. 日本の安定感や治安を守りながら、While we keep our stable society with few violent crimes, 海外の優れた才能ある人が来たくなる国を作りたいと思います。we need to make our nation attractive enough for talented people overseas to come to live here. 賛成反対の両側で話し合った上で受け入れ条件や入国してからの教育など、具体的な方策を検討すべき時です。It is high time we needed to have a thorough discussion with those who are in favor of immigration and those who are against it to decide concrete conditions to accept them, to educate them about rules in our country.