アメリカ大統領選で再選を目指す現職のバイデンさんに、Voices to ask Mr. President Biden, who aims to be reelected to step down are becoming louder. 撤退するよう求める声があがっています。

討論会で言い淀んだり、答え方に年齢を感じさせたことが理由らしいですが、The reason is said that they felt his aging at the recent debate with Mr. Trump where he faltered or couldn't answer the questions quickly. 年を取っているのはトランプ氏も同じです。But Mr. Trump is also almost as old as him. 本人はまだやる気を見せており、The President says he has no intentions to quit, so it is unlikely that he would withdraw from the election.  撤退することは考えにくいですが、どうなるでしょうか?What will happen next? 

日本から見るとトランプ氏はあまりにも利己的で、From Japanese point of view, Mr. Trump is too selfish, trying to hide his scandal, 自分のスキャンダルをもみ消そうとしたり、国境に移民を防ぐ壁を作ろうとしたりなど、planning to build a wall to ward off immigrants and so on. 異常な性格と政策にはとても我慢できません。I can't tolerate his abnormal character and policies. トランプ氏が大統領になればアメリカは混乱し、If he would become the President again, which would make the U. S into a chaos, leading to a global chaos in the long run. アメリカの混乱は世界の混乱に繋がります。

バイデンさんにはこれからも頑張ってほしいので、I'd like to Mr. Biden to continue his job, who needs to relieve his supporters by convincing them with his policies and health.  支援者を安心させるよう、説得を続けて欲しいです。万一撤退してしまうと、Should he withdraw, I'm afraid there would be no candidate who is well known enough to beat Mr. Trump.  トランプ氏に勝てる知名度のある候補がほとんど見当たらないのが心配です。私としては再びのトランプ大統領だけは見たくない気持ちです。I personally never want to see President Trump again.