今朝の散歩でカタツムリを3匹も見つけました。I found three snails while taking a walk this morning. 最近は珍しいですが、They have become fewer recently, but may have appeared at the peak of the rainy season.紫陽花の盛りに顔を出したのでしょうか?

それにしても、カタツムリにそっくりなのに殻のないナメクジが嫌われるのはどうしてでしょう?That reminds me how come slugs are hated despite they look like snails without shells? ナメクジは植物に害を与えるからでしょうか?Is it because they damage plants? 

人間の世界でも似たようなことがあります。In human world, there are similar feelings. 私ももし向こうからヒジャブを被った人が歩いてきたら少し怖いかもしれません。If I would encounter a woman covered her head with a hijab on the street, I may feel a little feared. その人がどんな人かも分からないのに、Although I don't know what she is like, I tend to be afraid of people just because they are dressed different from me. 自分と違うだけで恐怖感を持ってしまうのです。

恐怖感があると近づく勇気が出なくて、The feeling of frightening prevents us from having a courage to approach them, but without it, we can't understand them. 近づけないと相手を理解できません。理解できないと恐怖心が募り、Lack of understanding stirrs up fears, which would end up with rejection. 拒否してしまうことになります。悪循環を招く出発点である恐れが差別の根本にありそうです。The start of the vicious cycle, fear, seems to be the root of discrimination. 

自分と考え方や見た目が違う人と話すと、Talking to those who are different from you as to thinking or appearance could make you find new perspectives, which would lead to a tolerant society in the long run. 新たな視点が見つかって寛容な社会が生まれてきます。これから日本は外国人と共に生きる社会になります。Japan is going to be a community mingled with people around the world. 勇気を持ちたいです。I'd like to have a courage.