「藤井を泣かせた男」とは、"The man who made Fujii cry" is a nickname for Mr. Ito Takumi, who won Eioh's title from Mr. Fujii Sota in the professional Shogi tournament. 新たに藤井聡太さんから叡王位を奪った伊藤匠さんのニックネームです。

聡太くんが少年の頃、When Sota was a boy, he was in the same competition with Ito. 伊藤さんと同じ大会に出ていて、準決勝で勝ったのが伊藤さんだそうです。The two were played in the semifinals, where Ito won. 対局が終わって並んだ時も、Even when they stood in front of the fans after the match, Sota couldn't stop sobbing. 聡太くんの涙は止まらず、大泣きし続けていました。隣に並んだ匠くんの困った顔が印象的でした。It was funny to see Takumi's face standing next to him who was puzzled a bit. 

聡太くんは身体も小さく可愛らしくて、Sota was a cute putit-type boy, looking cute and childish. 子供っぽく見えたのですが、実はあの大泣きには大きな勝負へのこだわりが隠されています。Actually, however, his sobbing implied his strong desires to win. 心から悔しがり、涙を流していたのは将棋への思いが強いからこそで、His true regret turned into tears showed his earnest wish to improve his shogi. 大人になった今もきっと悔しさは同じでしょう。He must be feeling the same even now. 悔しさは、さらに自分を磨くエネルギーになります。Regrets by losing would be an energy to refine yourself.

これから二強時代になるのか、Whether the two will be the strongest of all the pro players or not, anyway, their rivalry is sure to make them better. 好敵手がいると藤井さんも伊藤さんもさらに強くなることでしょう。楽しみです。I can't wait to see them next.