愛した人と結婚するのと、Which would make you happier, getting married with whom you love, or with whom you meet arranged by a go-between? お見合いで結婚するのとどちらが幸せでしょうか?朝ドラ「オードリー」の再放送の中で、In a rerun episode of a NHK morning serial drama" Audrey ", an actor Fujiyama Naomi mentioned this issue in her line.藤山直美さんがそんな台詞を言っています。

彼女は優しい人と結婚し、She is married to a caring husband, living a hapy life. 幸せそうに暮らしていながら、初恋の人と久しぶりに会うと、When she sees her first love for the first time in years, however,  「やっぱり、好きな人を諦めたらあかん」と周囲の女性たちに言うのです。she tells her former colleagues, " Anyway, you shouldn't give up with the desire of getting married with a man you love. "

まず、そもそも結婚するのとしないのとどちらがいいかの問題があります。In the first place, the issue of decision to tie the knot or to stay single. Which would lead you to have a happier life?  でも、その点は今は置いておきます。But this time, I won't argue this point. 

自分がある人を好きでたまらなくても、No matter how much you love someone, 相手は同じ気持ちとは限りません。the person wouldn't always feel the same. 口説き落として結婚できた場合も、Even when you get to marry him after persuasion, 相手が心から納得しているかどうか、いつも不安なままではないでしょうか?you might have to keep worrying whether he is really satisfied with his choice. それに、Besides, if you find out his defects unexpectedly after marriage with passion, 燃え上がって結婚した後で意外な欠点が見つかった時の幻滅も大きいです。you could be disillusioned with him. 

もしお見合いだったら、In case of an arranged marriage, you can check your prospective partner with the cool head each other first, then you approach him or her after judgment that you can get along with the person you see. お互いに冷静に相手を見て、この人ならやっていけそうだと判断してからお互いに歩み寄って行くので、それほど期待していない分がっかりすることもありません。You wouldn't expect too much, which wouldn't make you disappointed, either. 相手の家族も最初から賛成していることや、状況がわかっているのもいいですね。Other advantages include that your partner's family usually agrees with your future marriage, and that you can understand the situation in advance. 夫の兄弟姉妹、父母もどんな人か少しはわかります。You could check what your future spouse' siblings and parents are. あまりにも厳しそうなら先に断れます。If you find they are too problematic, you could decline. 結婚は2人だけの問題ではなく、将来の同居や介護にも繋がってきます。Marriages are not merely the issue of the couple, but could lead to living together with the family or caring the elderly in the long run. 

恋愛と結婚は違うものではないかと思うのですが、どうでしょうか?I think that romantic relationships and marriages are different, what is your take? 自分が結婚して、最初から同居し、お義母さんの優しさに恵まれているので、そう思います。Maybe because I live with my husband's family upon marriage blessed with a gentle mother-in-law, I have such an opinion.  もしきつい人だったら大変だったなぁと感謝しています。 Imagining how tough the life would be if she were mean, I'm grateful to her.