中国の戦国時代末期、秦が天下統一できたのは始皇帝自身の能力や、The reason why Qin dynasty in ancient China succeeded in unifying the whole country includes the capability of the emperor himself and the strength of Qin which had been accumulated for years.  それまでに築いてきた秦の国力もありますが、実力主義を徹底したことが最大の理由だと思います。The biggest factor I think, however, is the extreme merit system to evaluate people. 

秦の天下統一を描いたドラマを見ていると、Watching the history based drama of the unification, 紀元前も現代も変わらない争いがあったとわかります。you can see there were struggles that were almost the same as those in today's society. 秦の場合、皇帝の親族集団と、他国から移ってきた客卿と呼ばれる重臣達との主導権争いです。In case of Qin, the group of the emperor's relatives and the high ranking officials from other countries had disputes to get leadership roles. 

トランプ元大統領がメキシコ移民を防ごうと、国境に壁を築こうとした話を思い出します。It reminds me of the news that a former president Trump tried to build a wall at the border to prevent immigrants from Mexico. 移民がアメリカ国民の利益を損なうとして追い払おうとする意図が明確です。It is evident that he regarded these immigrants as potential damages to the national interests. しかし、アメリカはもともと他国からの移住者が作った国です。As you know, however, the United States is a country launched by immigrants. コロンブスのアメリカ大陸発見以前から住んでいた原住民達の子孫は一部に過ぎません。The descendants of native Americans who lived there before the Columbus age are just a part of the population.

他国出身者を排斥する傾向は世界的に見られますが、Global tendencies that shun people from other nations are seen now, but I doubt they are really beneficial to the natives. それが本当に国益に適うのか疑問です。移ってきた人の中に一定の割合で専門知識のある人や技術者、芸術家など優れた人材が存在します。There are some immigrants who have expertise, engineers, artists and other brilliant people. そうでなくても、Other ordinary people with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds can offer new perspectives to host countries, which will be stimulus to their developments.違った文化や言語で育った人は新たな視点をもたらし、国家の発展を支える刺激になります。

遺伝子レベルで見ても、The more different genes the couple have, the more excellent children are said to be born. 違いの大きい組み合わせほど優秀な子供が生まれると言われます。わかりやすい例は国際結婚です。A typical example is an international marriage. 逆に中世のヨーロッパでは、On contrary, aristcrats used to keep marrying within relatives in order to protect their blue bloods and their properties. 貴族の血筋を守り、部外者に財産が流出するのを防ごうとして近親婚が繰り返され、異常な子供が多く生まれたそうです。They end up with lots of abnormal children.

社会的に見ると、Socially, countries such as Japan that have declining population should welcome immigrants thus live together with those who have other ethnicities and cultures.  日本のように人口の減っている国は移民を受け入れ、異人種、異文化と共生することで将来の発展に繋がると思います。That way we can prosper our country in the long run. むしろ精神的な抵抗感をいかになくして行くかがこれからの課題になりそうです。Our next challenge may be how to ease psychological registance.