「子持ち様」と言う言葉を初めて聞きました。I had never heard of this phrase before : Komochi Sama, which refers to those who with children. "Komochi" is a common expression meaning people who have children. While "Sama" is an honorific expression usually used in letters.  子供を持つ女性たちへの反感がこもった言い方ですね。I suppose it sarcastically addresses women with children who seem to receive privileges because of their kids.   

独身を通して仕事を続ける女性と、子供を持つ女性とは生き方が大きく違います。 Women who stay single and keep working and their counterparts who are married with children have quite different lifestyles. 男性は結婚しても家事を強制されることがなく、Men in Japan are not forced to do housework even after getting married who will be taken care of by their wives. 逆に妻から世話をされるような形で楽ができる反面、女性は結婚で家事、育児、仕事の三重苦になりがちです。In contrast, women tend to get too busy with three tasks when married: housing chores, child rearing, and jobs outside of their homes. 結婚すれば妻が炊事洗濯全てを背負うのが当たり前になっています。We usually take it for granted that wives are to carry all the burdens of cooking and doing laundry and other chores at home. 

男性の仕事の責任の重さを無視するつもりはありませんが、Although I don't mean to neglect men's heavy responsibility at work, I don't think it fair that women's burden including housing chores hasn't changed from the days when they became fulltime housewives upon marriages to the present day when they earn a considerable income outside even after tying the knot.  女性が専業主婦になることが普通だった時代から、現在共働きが多くなった時代まで、女性の家事の負担が変わらないのはおかしいと思います。既婚女性はパートが多いですが、Most married women are parttimers, but the content of their jobs depends on each woman's ability, some of them are almost as demanding as the jobs of fulltime workers. 仕事内容は人によって違い、正社員並みのきついものもあります。

子供がまだ小さく体調不安定になると、When their kids get sick, working mothers almost always have to take days off or leave early. 仕事を休んだり遅刻早退させられるのはいつも女性です。父親は育児参加する場合も「手伝う」感覚でまるで妻の役目に「協力してあげている」ように感じていないでしょうか?Fathers often seem to feel they are "supportive to their wives' work" even when they take part in childcare as if mothers were supposed to do all by themselves. 子持ち女性が職場に迷惑をかけることをまるで彼女だけの責任のように言うのはあまりにも不公平ではないですか? I think it too unfair that we often view it's all working mothers' fault just because they have to bother their coworkers at work for their kids issues. 

独身女性は逆にその生き方にどこかで引け目を感じ、Single women feel a kind of inferiority complex somehow with a pressure from society, whose pains seem to turn into aggressive attitudes towards married working mothers.  社会からの重圧があるのでその痛みを既婚子持ち女性に向けてはいないでしょうか?

現在の日本で女性の生きづらさが増していて、As I see it, women feel it difficult to live in today's Japan, which is shown in the phrase: "Komochi Sama".  そのことが「子持ち様」と言う表現にこめられている気がします。