中国で制作された始皇帝のドラマをもう一度見直しています。I've been watching a drama on the first emperor of Qin dynasty made in China again. まだ始めの方なので二十歳くらいの若者です。The main character is still about twenty as the story is just beginning.

子供の頃は敵国で命も危ない人質生活をしながら、As a child, he lived as a hostage in an enemy country, being educated by his guard and teacher, 護衛役が教師も兼ねて帝王教育を施し、instilled to become a future king of Qin. 将来の秦の国王となる自覚を植え付けられ、古典の学習や剣の鍛錬も怠りなく、努力を惜しみませんでした。He spared no effort to reach excellence in classical literature, history and handling swords. 

始皇帝As for Qin Shi Huang's personality, の性格についての当時の人の批評を見ると、his former subordinate at that time criticized him as 冷酷さや共感性のなさが際立っています。too cruel and lack in consideration. ただ、あとの時代の漢が秦を滅ぼして建国されたので、Yet, the next dynasty started after conquering Qin, so the documents may be biased for them.その影響もあるかもしれません。

もし当時の評価が正しければ、If these evaluations  were fair, 始皇帝はサイコパスであった可能性もあります。he might have been a psychopath. 日本においても織田信長のイメージはサイコパスに近いですね。In Japan, Oda Nobunaga, a great leader in the  16 th century was probably a psychopath, too. 二人の共通点は激しさと大胆な改革です。The two had passion and drastic reforms in common. 周囲の人の批判や思惑にまるで配慮せず、思いのままに体制を変えたことは、Paying no attention to criticisms and emotions of others, changing conventional systems as they wish should have troubled their family, relatives and the subordinates.  家族や家臣に取っては迷惑な面もあったはずですが、やはりそれくらいでないと社会を変える力は持てないと思います。Their leadership, however, was strong enough to reform the society as a whole. 

現代の経営者にも通じる話だと感じます。This can be true for modern management as well.