新しい朝ドラ「虎に翼」が始まりました。The NHK's new morning drama "Tora ni Tsubasa", literally means "A tiger with wings" has started. 戦前に女性が法学部に行けたとは知りませんでした。I didn't know Japanese women could go to law school before the Pacific War. そして、戦前の女性が特に結婚すると、無能力者と法律で定められていたことも。And married women were designated as incompetent people in the law in our country.  男尊女卑が法律にまで及んでいたとは驚きです。It is surprising that discrimination against women was written in the legislation.

学問好きなら結婚よりも進学に惹かれるのはわかりますし、If you love studying, they should be attracted to higher education than getting married. Besides, the heroine in the drama seems to be unsatisfied with housewives being binded by family issues with low status in society. 主婦の不自由さや地位の低さが十代の主人公には疑問だったのでしょう。

家庭では非常に忙しく、娘のお見合いや結婚の段取りも母親がしているのに、Mothers in that age are very busy with housing chores preparing for their daughters' matchmaking and weddings while they have to act as if they didn't exist in public. 公式の場ではまるで自分が存在しないかのように振る舞わなければならないことが我慢できなかったのですね。that is the fact the main character Tomoko can't stand. 能力に差がないなら、If their abilities are equal, 学歴の面でも社会での職業の面でも同等に扱うことが必要だと思います。they should be treated fairly both in education and at work in society. 

今も残る人種差別や男女差別は、Deep-rooted racial and gender discriminations have prevented our society from developing further even now. 社会の発展を妨げています。子供を産み育てる環境の整備と、男性の育児参加、何よりも人の意識を変えていかないとUnless we build environments for child rearing, men's participation in childcare and changing people's awareness, 日本はいつまでも昔のまま、世界から置いていかれることになります。Japan will lag behind the world as we always did in the past.