前回の続きです。This is the latter half of this topic. 

格差を失くすこと。Annihilate disparity. 差別を失くすこと。Eradicate discriminations. 負担を失くすこと。Abolish individual burdens. 出産した女性が自由に職場に戻れること。Women after giving birth can return to their original workplaces as they wish. それが子供の数を増やす最大の方策となる。These are biggest measures to increase the number of children. 

親子の繋がりは大切なのでこのやり方で子供がどうやって親との関係を築くかが問題点となる。As it is necessary to keep bonds between parents and children, it would be a challenge how to build such a relationship with this social child-care system. ただ、現状では日本の家庭はあまりにも個々で負担を抱えすぎているため、Yet if we continue current system, each household has too much financial and social burdens on their own. 社会のあり方を大幅に変えるしか子供を育てる方法はないように思う。Therefore, we seem to have no choice but to change our societal framework drastically.

これによって子育てにかかる親の負担はほぼなくなる一方で国の運営する保育所と寮が巨大になるため、税金がどの程度増えるかの試算は難しい。Whereas this new method could let parents virtually free from expenses for childrearing, national child-care and students' dorms will be so gigantic that it is difficult to estimate how much our tax would be to cover the cost.  また、子供のいない人の税金をどうするかも決める必要がある。Besides, we need to decide how much tax those without their own kids will be supposed to pay. それでも、子供が育てば労働力となり将来の社会を運営し、Said that, when these young people grow up to be in the labor market, they will manage the future society, which would benefit all people regardless that they are parents or not. 親であるかどうかを問わず全ての世代が恩恵を受けることを考慮すれば、Take this fact into consideration, all citizens including without kids should pay some tax. 自分に子供がいない人も応分の税金を支払う必要があると考える。

奇抜な案のようですが、This idea may sound strange, but unless we accept drastic changes, children will be fewer and fewer. 今後は大きな変化を受け入れなければ子供は減る一方です。どう思われますか?What do you think?