私の想像する社会の話です。This is my wildest dream on society.

結婚制度がなく、There is no marriage system 男女は常に自由に相手を選択する。where male and female choose their partners freely. 子供ができたら女性は無痛分娩する。When pregnant, women deliver the baby without pain. 生まれた子供は全員国の運営する保育所に預けられる。All newborns are in child-care facilities managed by the nation. 6歳までは国の責任で養育され、Children are raised by the nation until six years old, receiving language education. 言葉の教育を受ける。もちろん父親母親が希望すれば家庭で育てることも可能。If parents want, each child can be reared at home of course. 国の責任でというのは、貧富の格差によって子供が育つ環境が損なわれないための配慮で、The national child care means consideration for children not to have disadvantaged environment due to disparity of the rich and the poor. 親との人間関係を築くことを禁止するものではない。It isn't aiming at preventing parents from building bonds with their kids. 

小学校入学以降は親との生活ができるが、After they enter primary schools, they can live with their parents. 両親は同居しているとは限らないので、Parents, however, don't always live together. 環境が整わない場合はそのまま国の寮で生活できるものとする。If they can't live in desirable environments, they are supposed to keep living at national dormitories. できれば親と生活しない子供が多数派の方が差別が生まれないと思われる。If possible, more than half children should live apart from their parents, because that would mean less discrimination against those who live at dorms. 

今の社会は結婚した両親の力だけで子供を育てなければならないことになっていて、In today's society in Japan, only parents are expected to raise their kids on their own, which changes children's condition depending on parents' status, income, and so on. 親の条件で子供の環境が変わりすぎるし、格差が大きすぎる。there will be a big gap among them.親の仕事への悪影響も大きく、Child care would damage parents careers, and put too heavy burden on working women who do most of child rearing. 育児をほとんど一人で行う女性に負担がかかりすぎ、少子化の原因になっている。That has led to fewer children. 

国が一律に子供を育てることには批判が大きいいかもしれないが、Many people might be critical to national child care, but they don't necessarily need parents to grow up. 必ずしも親がいなければ子供が育たないわけではない。愛情を持って育もうとする保育士がたくさんいれば幼児期でもきちんと育てられると思う。If sufficient supply of good caregivers who try to bring up children affectionately is possible, even infants can grow up properly. 親の存在は経済的に直接扶養するのではなく、Parents should exist not for directly supporting kids with money but for becoming mentors to give inspirations to children. 精神的にいい影響を与える心の師のようなものであるべきだ。(次回に続く)To be continued.