景色のいい場所がいいので、If I could live anywhere I want, I'd like to live in scenic spots, 沖縄、北海道、後は日本アルプスの辺りになります。so I'd say Okinawa, Hokkaido, or the area near Japan Alps fit my preference. 

少し寒さに弱いのでSince I get cold easily, やっぱりその中では沖縄でしょうか。Okinawa would be the best for me. 

でも、Ideally, however, 

ずっとひとつの場所に住み続けるよりはI'd rather stay lots of places than living in the same place forever. いろいろな場所を巡りたいです。

一番の理想は世界各地を1ヵ所3ヶ月くらいずつ回ることです。I'd love to see each beautiful city around the world, staying in one place for a couple of months each time. パリに住んで毎日ルーブル美術館に通い、Living in Paris visiting the Louvre museum every day,  イギリスの湖水地方を歩き、walking a lakeside country roads in Britain, スイスの登山鉄道に乗り、riding a train in the Alps in Switzerland, シンガポールの快適な美しい街を回り、seeing beautiful streets in Singapore, 台湾で食べ歩きをし、eating at food stands in Taipei, 北海道の初夏を満喫してenjoying early summer flowers in Hokkaido, 次は長野に行き、山がよく見えるホテルで避暑。then visiting a mountain-view hotel in Nagano to feel comfortable summer breezes.  

そして少しずつ南へ。And I move gradually to the south. 高知の浜辺に立って外海を眺め、I'll view the pacific ocean on the coast of Kochi prefecture, 九州の温泉を巡り、visiting lots of hot springs in the southern island of Kyushu, その後は沖縄本島から離島も回ってみたいです。after that, I'd love to go around Okinawa including small islands in the prefecture.

家族がいるし仕事もあるのでAs I have family members to take care of and a job, 


I couldn't travel for a long time even if I could save enough money for it. 

どうなることか、I doubt I can make it happen, いつか少しでも実現できたら嬉しいです。but I'd be delighted if I could do

 just a part of my plan. 








