
This is the last part of my essay on Hikarugenji. 

若紫は、Kidnapped by Hikarugenji against her will, 光源氏に無理矢理連れ去られ、ほとんど拉致したような状況だったので、Wakamurasaki was deeply shocked in tears at first, 最初は動揺して泣いていましたが、だんだんと源氏に慣れて慕うようになります。but she gradually gets accustomed with living at his mansion coming to like him.

最初は子供でよく事情がわからなかったようですが、She was too young to understand her complicated situation for the first few years, but she may be aware that she is a substitute for Fujitsubo after she has grown up. 大人になってからは自分が藤壺の身代わりであることも気づいていたでしょうね。

光源氏にとって藤壺は母の身代わり、For Hikarugenji, さらに紫の上(若紫)は藤壺の身代わりです。Fujitsubo is a substitute for his late mother and Murasaki-no-ue, adult name for Wakamurasaki, is a substitute for Fujitsubo.  結局母から精神的に離れることができずに死ぬまで幻影を追いかけてしまった結果、He ends up not being able to be free from his illusion of his late mother, making himself unhappy along with many his lovers.  自分も不幸になり、多くの女性も不幸にしてしまいました。

母と言うのは子供にとって不可欠のものなのでしょうね。Mother must be crucial for every child I suppose. 私も母が亡くなった時はもうとっくに二十歳を過ぎていたのになかなか立ち直れなかったのを覚えています。 When my mother died, it took a long time for me to overcome the grief even though I passed my twenties. ただ、小さい時に母と別れた人はいっそう大きな心の傷を抱えることになるのでしょう。Yet when you lose your mom as a little child, I don't think you can avoid being hurt more heavily in your heart than adults' case. 

何が人の幸福をもたらすものか難しいですが、It's hard to find what brings happiness to you, but I'm sure that peace of mind and your loving and being loved by family members are indispensable. 心の安定や家族の愛情は大きな条件ですね。自業自得とは言え、Although it is his own fault, Hikarugenji doesn't seem to have peace in his mind all his life. 光源氏の生涯には安らぎがなかったような気がします。

巻き込まれず拒否し続けた玉鬘(源氏の親友の娘)に潔さを感じたり、I feel mental strength of Tamakazura, a daughter of Genji's best friend, being distant from Genji asking her love, 身分は低いながら誇りを捨てない明石の君に共感したり、feel sympathy to Akashi-no-kimi who is always proud of herself despite her low status as an aristocrat, さまざまな女性の個性にも源氏物語の魅力があります。these unique female characters are also attractive in the Tale of Genji.

まだ読んだことがない方は是非、If you haven't read before, 訳本でいいので読んでみてください。try reading the novel in modern Japanese translation. とても面白いです。It's so interesting.