どんなに親しい仲でも、No matter how close you are, even when you're someone's relatives, 血が繋がっていてもわからないことがあります。you'll never see something. それは悲しみです。That is grief.

大切な人を亡くした時、When you lose your loved one, 一番苦しいのは誰にもこの悲しみを共有できないことなのに、the hardest thing is that you can't share the grief with anyone, 近くにいる友達も立ち入れないその孤独はどうしたらいいのでしょうか?but how should we do with the solitude they have that we can't intrude?

大きな地震があり、The big earthquake happened, 一瞬にして家族を何人も失った人がいます。which claimed many lives, some sufferers lost several members of their family. 悲しむ姿を見て、Seeing their agony, 何とか力になりたいと思ってもI want to help them in some way, 何もできないのが辛いです。but I can't, which hurts me. 知らない人でさえそうなので、You feel that way even when they are strangers to you. もし自分の友達だったらどれほどだろうと思います。If they were your friends, how much painful it would be. 

理不尽としか言い様のない大きな痛みに打ちのめされて、They are battered with tremendous agony with no fault on their side, もう一度立ち上がれるのか心配ですが、I'm worried whether they would be able to stand on their feet again. ただ思いやるだけで、Outsiders just can imagine their pain, 本当に同じ苦しみを分け合うことはできません。who can't share the same grief with the sufferers. 

海や山、ふるさとの自然は物言わずとも、Nature in your hometowns such as sea and mountains might be able to heal your pain in the long run. 長い年月をかけて悲しみを癒してくれるのではないか、今はただそれにすがる思いです。That's the only hope I can cling to now.