昨日の続きです。 This is the latter half of yesterday's topic. 私の65歳以降の家計を計算していました。I tried to estimate my financial situation after turning 65 years old. 


ひとつき赤字10万円かける12か月で単純計算では120万、Monthly deficit would be a hundred thousand yen, so it would top 1.2 million yen a year. それで65歳から85歳まで20年生きれば2400万円です。If I could live until 85 years old, it would amount to 24 million yen. それでもこれは元気だった場合、しかも全く貨幣価値が変わらない場合の見積もりでしかなく、Unfortunately, however, this is the most desirable case in which I am healthy except for cancer treatment, and which the value of yen would keep the same.  介護が必要となれば金額が跳ね上がるのは父の例で身に染みています。If I would need to receive nursing care, the cost would be skyrocketing. I know this fact because I experienced that when I took care of my father.やはり最低3000万円の貯金がないと安心な老後とは言えません。Anyway, you have to save at least 30 million yen to live long without any financial concerns. 

高齢者夫婦だとどうでしょう?How would it be if you were an elderly couple? 住居費がゼロとして1ヶ月いくらくらいの支出になるでしょうか。To estimate easily, I ignore the housing cost. 食費が2人で6万、In a month, the food expense would be sixty thousand yen for you two,  日用品代1万、daily necessitates would be ten thousand yen, 医療費を多めに見て8万、the medical fee would be eighty thousand yen as you are elderly, 光熱費2万、water and electricity fees would be twenty thousand yen, 通信費1万5千円、telephone and wifi cost would be fifteen thousand yen, 被服費などで1万、for your clothes, ten thousand yen. 医療費が重い負担となります。The medical cost would be a heavy burden for you. ここに税金などの支払いや冠婚葬祭の費用もあります。And you of course have to pay tax and pay some for your relatives, such as wedding and funeral ceremonies. 単純に最低生活をするにも20万になります。That adds up to at least two hundred thousand yen to live a frugal life. まだいろいろかかりそうなのでこれでは足りないでしょうね。I'm afraid this estimate is not enough, 2人とも全く入院せず済む世代でもないし、because you may have to stay at a hospital, 悠々自適生活とは行きません。so you don't afford to live peacefully at this amount of money. やはり最低でも5万の赤字です。To live comfortably, you should have another fifty thousand yen. 老後3000万貯金がいかに的確な金額かすぐわかります。This case also shows clearly how reasonable to save thirty million yen for your golden years.

これだけ貯金している人がどれだけいるか疑問です。I doubt many people do save this much. 退職金が出る仕事ばかりではありません。There aren't many jobs that offer you a retirement money. うちの両親のように商売をしていて、In case of my parents, they had two shops when they decided to retire. 店をたたむ場合は在庫や設備の処分など費用がかかります。In order to close them, they had to deal with the stocks and the facilities they had. それなりに繁盛していて借金なしとしても、Even if your business flourished, 2人とも退職金に当たるほどのお金は残りません。you had to pay some to quit your shop and retire, instead of receiving money. 

老後難民が出たら国はどうするのか、I wonder how the government would do if many elderly people would be pennyless when they had to quit working? 年金だけではとても生活できないのに、They couldn't live with just a small amount of monthly pension, would the officials do nothing to save them? 放っておくわけにも行きません。税金で負担することは巨大な老人ホームを若者全員で運営している形です。But if taxpayers' money were spent for them, young generations would manage a huge national elderly care facility so to speak, forgive me if I sound rude. 失礼な言い方ではありますが、老若男女を問わず私たちみんなが現実的になって考えないとこの状況は待ったなしです。This is an emergency we have to deal with immediately regardless of how old you are.