朝ドラ「ブキウギ」では、In the NHK's morning serial drama ''boogie woogie'', Aisuke suffering from tuberculosis and his lover, main character Suzuko are having a baby soon. 結核に苦しむ愛助さんと主人公スズ子の間に新たな命が宿ります。この頃は結核の特効薬はなく、In those days, they had no medicine to cure tuberculosis, so people regarded it as a terminal disease. 死に至る病でした。最近のがんと同じですね。The situation is the same as today's cancer. ただ、Said that, がんでも長生きする人がいるように、as some people with cancer live long, 結核になった人の中にも生き長らえる人もいたようです。tuberculosis patients can survive for a long time in some cases. 

愛助さんは、Aisuke had a desire to have many kids after getting married with Suzuko. スズ子と結婚してたくさん子供を作りたい願いを持っていました。真面目な二人なので、Since they are seriously in love, they would have got married already and had children as they wish but for Aisuke's mother's opposition. もし反対がなければとっくに結婚して実行していたでしょう。

自分がもうすぐ死ぬかもしれないのに子供を作って、Aisuke, knowing he may die soon and  made love with Suzuko, and as the result, the pregnant lover could be a single mother if he dies young.  もしかしたら愛する人を未婚の母にする可能性もあります。愛助さんの行動は自分勝手なのでしょうか?Do you think his actions selfish?

夫に意見を聞いてみたら、When I asked my husband that question, he replied「もし自分だったら子供を作る以前に付き合わない」と答えました。'' If I were him, I would never have relationship with women.'' そう思う人もいるでしょう。I suppose some people would have the same opinion as him.でも、もしそうなら不治の病を抱えた人はみんな子供を持てないし、But if those with terminal disease are not supposed to be in love, they can't have children or have opportunities to meet someone. 出会いのチャンスもなくなってしまいます。それは幸せと言えるでしょうか?Is that possibly be happiness?

現在も若い年齢でがんになり、子供が欲しい人もいるはずです。I'm sure there are many young people with cancer who have to start a family. がんになったことはその人の責任ではないし、It is, of course, not their fault to have cancer, besides, whether you have children or not is an essential issue for our life. 子供を持つかどうかも個人の尊厳に関わる大切な問題です。夫は別に病気の人を批判したわけではありませんが、I know my husband have no intention to criticize those are seriously ill. But I'm a cancer patient myself, 私は自分ががんになった立場なので気持ちが違います。I'm in a different position from him. 

人生に何が起きたとしても、No matter what may happen in your life, それぞれの人が自由に一生の時間を味わって欲しいです。I want everyone to enjoy their time of life to the fullest. 私自身もそうしたいです。I want to live like  that, too. 病気は大きな障害で、問題ではありますが、We know cancer is a big obstacle in our way. だからと言って全てを諦めるのはどうなのでしょうか?However, I don't think it a good idea to give up all opportunities in your life. 

相手や生まれてくる子供の将来など、考えるべき事は山積していて、大変です。It's so hard for cancer patients to overcome many difficulties such as happiness of your partner, and future of your prospective children. それでも、どんな人生でも何の困難もなく切り抜けられるはずがなく、All people, however, have their own problems in their life, single mothers' children would not necessarily become unhappy. シングルマザーの子供が全部不幸になるとは決まっていません。生まれた時から人には自分で人生を切り開く力があるからです。Because every one of us has an energy to explore our life on our own. 

だからThat's why I don't think 私は愛助さんの自然な生き方を悪いとは思いません。Aisuke's natural way is a selfish thing. これからスズ子はきっと大きな苦労と喜びを抱えて生きていくのでしょうが、I know Suzuko would live with a big burden and joy in her way, but it is her choice, not forced by Aisuke. それは彼女が自ら選びとったことだと思います。愛助さんと子供を作った時点で彼女は娘と二人でも生きていくことまで決意していたのでしょう。She may have been determined to live just with her baby without Aisuke when she made love with him. それならたとえ愛助さんの親でもとやかく言えることではなく、If so, it is none of even Aisuke's mother's business.  私はスズ子の勇気を称賛したいです。I want to praise her courage.