
Although you know

 they're not good for your health, 


you want to eat sweets sometimes.


One of my favorites 


are donuts stuffed with whipped cream.


I try not to eat one too often, 


the rarer these occasions are, the better they taste to me. 

ミスタードーナツでも売っていますが、They are also sold at Mister Donuts shops, 

スーパーでも最近似たものを見つけました。and I found a similar one

 at a grocery store nearby. 


You can order at Amazon, too.


 スーパーもAmazonや楽天を意識しているようで、As brick and mortar stores are keenly aware of these net giants nowadays ネット注文や配達をしてくれる所が増えてきました。many of them have started offering internet order and shipment services. 

今月から一番近くのスーパーが改装を始め、The nearest supermarket has started remodeling since this month 多分来月に再オープンになります。and will open again maybe next month. その時はたくさん人が来そうですが、The store will be crowded that time, but it would take much time to go through lines at the cashier. 並ぶ時間を考えるとネット注文も決して高くないですね。Shopping online which saves that time would not cost much if time management is taken into consideration. 

ネットスーパーのもうひとつの長所は、Another advantage of shopping online is planning in advance, which will reduce purchase frequency. 計画的に買い物ができて、回数を減らせることです。回数を減らせると結果的に無駄遣いが減り、Cutting times means less shopping for fun, which leads to cost saving.  節約になります。

食べたいものは回数を決めてたまの楽しみにし、What you want to eat for your sweet tooth should be limited just once in a while, and shop on the web. 買い物はネットで。少し味気ないようですが、It seems a bit stingy, but I'd like to spend money practically and become a wise consumer. 合理的にお金を使い、賢い消費者になりたいです。








