仕事を愛することが一番大切かなと思っています。I think the key is to love what you do. でも、これは「技術」ではないのでご紹介するまでもないですね。It's not, however, a technique which I don't need to share with you. 偶然就いた仕事なら好きとか嫌いとか考えないでしょうが、If you land your job by chance, you don't usually think whether you like it or not. 好きになれると工夫する意欲が生まれ、But loving it would lead to enthusiasm to come up with new ideas, make you smile, thus would make a difference to your workplace as a whole. 




I make it a rule to go to work much earlier than the starting time. 時間給の仕事で、It's paid by the hour, 早く行っても特に給料は増えませんが、and going early doesn't raise my wage. あまり要領が良くないので早く行けば気づくことがあり、うまく進みます。But I'm not so efficient a worker that arriving early makes my work go smoothly as I notice many things I wouldn't otherwise. 他の先生たちはギリギリに来る人もいて、Some other teachers come just in time, which I don't want to criticize, 批判はしませんが、but I have a mixed feeling wondering how they can manage preparing for teaching classes in such a short time. あの時間でよくやれるなと逆に羨ましいような複雑な気持ちになります。

仕事が始まると集中して周りが見えなくなります。As soon as a class begins, I'm so focused on it that I can't see other things. ただ、生徒相手の仕事なので、Yet it is a job for students, so I try to pay attention to their faces. 生徒の表情だけは気を付けるように心がけています。どうすれば分かりやすく楽しくなるか頭を悩ませながら毎日新鮮な気持ちで楽しんでいます。I enjoy working every day with a fresh state of mind thinking how to make classes more interesting while easy to understand.  わたし流仕事術の紹介







