昨日は朝御飯を食べてすぐに初詣に行きました。We went to pay a visit to a shrine as soon as we finished breakfast yesterday. この地域では一番大きな神社、橿原神宮です。The shrine was Kashiwara jingu, the largest in this region. 去年は大晦日から1月3日までで130万人くらいは参拝したそうです。They say nearly 1.3 million people visited there from December 31 to January 3 last year. 

電車は奇跡的に座れましたが、We were so lucky to find seats in the train, but after getting off at the station, it was astonishingly crowded. 駅に降りると人でごった返しています。駅前の広場にもたくさんお店が出て、There were many temporary food stands in front of the station and along the road to the shrine. 行列する人と神社に向かう人、駅に戻る人が交錯して夫と手を繋がないとはぐれそうです。It was like a chaos with numerous people come and go, or stand in line to get food at the stands, I held my husband's hand tightly in order not to lose sight of him. 

私たちは多分お店がすごく混んでいると予想して朝御飯をしっかり食べてきました。We had a big breakfast expecting these food stands would have extremely long lines. コロナの直前のお正月に来た時、Just before the COViD outbreak in January 2020, we also visited this place, and had lunch at one of the stands, ordering oden Japanese stew, which was expensive with so little portion. ここでおでんを食べたら高くて量が少なく、残念だった記憶があったのです。

ちょうどお昼時で、It was around noon yesterday, so the stands selling fried chickens, 唐揚げやたこ焼き、takoyaki octopus dumplings, and fried noodles were surrounded by lots of people, unable to see the sellers.  焼きそばのお店はどこも人だかりで店先が見えないほどです。

参道を10分くらい歩くと一つ目の鳥居があり、About ten minutes' walk will take you to the first torii gate, and another three minutes you'll find another torii. そこから3分くらい行くと二つ目の鳥居です。一部は歩行者天国で車が遮断されていますが、Some parts of the road, cars were blocked, but other parts there were some traffic that pedestrians could barely move so slowly like packed trains during rush hours.  車が通る交差点もあり、歩道だけだと満員電車のような混雑です。

鳥居を抜けると建物が見えてきます。Going through the gates, main buildings of the shrine came into sight. 曇っていたのがだんだん日差しが出て、ダウンジャケットの中に汗が出てきました。At first, it was cloudy but gradually got so sunny that I felt a little hot with sweats under my jacket. 

若い人も家族連れも、高齢の人もRegardless of age, many people had special decorative arrow called hamaya to ward off evil spirits in their hands.   手に破魔矢を持っている人が多いです。去年の矢を納め、新たに買い直そうとしています。It is customary in Japan to throw away old hamaya at the shrine we visit during new year holidays and buy a new one. 

こちらは自宅に戻って下駄箱の上に飾ったところです。We also got one at Kashiwara jingu and displayed it on our shoecase at the entrance of our house. ちょっとユーモラスな優しい顔の龍です。It had a humorous smiley dragon on it, since this year is a year of dragon according to Chinese zodiac.

帰る前に社殿の奥にある池で鴨たちに挨拶しました。Before leaving the shrine, we said hello to the waterbirds in the pond behind the precincts. 水鳥が大好きなのでここの池は100羽はいそうで楽しいです。We love ducks, so it was fun to see so many birds, maybe about 100 of them. 
餌を投げる人がいて、Someone threw bread cram to them to gather them. たくさん集まって来たり、羽を休める鳥もいます。Some birds took a rest on an island-like wooden spot. 

帰り道では名物の埴輪饅頭を実演販売しているところで2個だけ買ってお土産にしました。On our way back, a local specialty sweet called Haniwa manjyu were baked and sold, they smelled so nice, inviting. We got just two of them. とても香ばしい匂いで引き寄せられます。

人形焼のような生地で、They are like Ningyo yaki in Tokyo, contained honey and egg. 一つずつ形が違って可愛いです。Each has different shape, so cute. 

楽しい1日でしたが、I had a good time, but very tired just climbing up and down the stairs of the stations. 体力がなくて駅の階段の昇り降りだけでも疲れました。明日もどこか行きたいなと思っています。I'd like to go somewhere else tomorrow. 
(追記 石川県、新潟県などで被災の方々、お見舞い申し上げます。驚きました。被害が少ないことを祈っています。)
PS I'm sorry to hear there was a big earthquake and tsunami around the area of Ishikawa and Niigata. It was so shocking. I hope there would be as little damage as possible.