つい最近、日中首脳会談が行われました。Japan and China's top talks were held just recently. 

岸田さんと握手する習近平国家首席の表情は、微かな笑い顔で、The president Xi jinping shaking hands with his counterpart Kishida has a subtle smile on his face, whose meaning is hard to grasp. 何を考えているかわからない感じです。ただ、4年前安倍総理と会談した時と比べるとまだ柔らかい顔だと言われています。Yet his expressions are said to be softer than he had a talk with then prime minister Abe four years ago. 

安倍さんが中国に強硬姿勢だったので、He might have had a sullen look because Abe took a hard stance against China. 強張った顔になったのかもしれません。でも、Thinking of current situation, however, 原発処理水の問題で日中関係はまだどん底だと思います。Japan and China relationships are probably at the worst concerning nuclear waste water disposals. 習首席が岸田さんに微笑みかけているのはなぜでしょうか?Why, then, the chairman is smiling at Kishida? 

岸田さんが中国にはっきり抗議しないので、甘くみられているのではないかと気になります。I'm worried if Japan's leader is secretly looked down since he doesn't protest against China's acts strongly. 隣国として関係を保たなければならない反面、While we need to keep stable relations with the neighbor, Japan should show our standpoints clearly in order to protect our national interests. 日本の立場は堂々と主張して、日本の国益を守って欲しいです。岸田さんには総理次第で日本の印象も変わることを意識して頂きたいと思います。I'd like Prime minister Kishida to be keenly aware that Japan's impressions could be swayed by him.