バイデン大統領が次期大統領選挙戦から撤退を発表しました。President Biden announced that he would withdraw from the election for the next presidency. 心配していましたが、I was afraid so, but still shocking to know his final decision. ついにそうなってしまったかとショックです。

カマラ副大統領が候補者になるのは自然な流れだとは思いますが、It is natural that the vice president would be the Democrats' candidate. Unfortunately, however, she hasn't have tremendous achievements with a vague impression.  特に実績がなく、印象が薄いです。トランプさんに勝てるのか相当不安です。I'm worried whether she could beat Mr. Trump. バイデン大統領が後継者として支持するのは分かりますが、It's reasonable for President Biden to support her as his successor, but it isn't enough that just her name is well known. ただ名前が知られているだけでは不十分です。

民主党の中で他の有力な候補者と討論会を開いて、I want her to propose her policies in detail to have an open discussion with other prospective candidates in the Democratic party. 具体的な政策をはっきり打ち出してほしいです。自分がどんな人間でいかに大統領にふさわしいかきちんと自分の言葉で語れるか、全世界が注目しています。The world is pricking the ears to examine whether she could tell in her own words what she is and how she is suitable for the President.