ローマ法王自身の教会から13万ユーロ盗まれた | ついてる♪


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この窃盗事件はブラック・ドラゴン・ソサエティ(BDS対 ヴァチカンのフリーメーソンとBIS(国際決済銀行)が秘密交渉を行っている際に起きた。まだ交渉は初期段階なので上手くいっているかどうかは報告出来ないということだ。

Thieves dressed as priests steal 130,000 Euros from the Pope’s own church

February 19, 2010, Rome: Two robbers dressed up as Priests broke into the offices of the Basilica of St. John, the Pope’s own personal church, and stole 130,000 Euros on February 18th, according to priests at the church and church officials. The Vatican police have been unable to find the culprit and have asked the Italian police to help with the investigation, the sources said.

The same priests said the church is surrounded by scandal these days after reports that this church was regularly used for pagan rituals by freemasons after closing hours, the priests said. The rituals include worship of Mythraeus the Bull, Sun worship and other ancient pre-Christian pagan rituals, they said.

This robbery took place against a backdrop of secret negotiations between the Vatican Freemasons the BIS and the Black Dragon Society. The negotiations are going well but are still in their early stages, sources involved in the negotiations say.

Benjamin Fulford



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