今週「BDS」対「ヴァチカン」や「BIS」との交渉が始まる | ついてる♪


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2月17日にローマ、ミラノ、スイスでBDS 対 ヴァチカンやBISとの交渉が始まる予定だ。この一週間の交渉が上手くいけば何百兆ドルが地球や人類のために使えるようになる。そうすれば戦争や貧困や環境破壊が全て終わる可能性がある。またヴァチカンがこの数千年隠してきた秘密の一般公開の可能性も高い。皆が驚く発表が出来るように最善を努める。


Announcements likely after the Black Dragon, the BIS and the Vatican meet

Negotiations between the Black Dragon Society, the BIS and the Vatican are scheduled for this week and next week in Rome, Milan and Switzerland. If all goes well, there will be some earth-shattering announcements. First of all, trillions and trillions of dollars will be made available for ending poverty and saving the environment. Secondly, all wars now being waged will be ended. And, we will finally hear the truth the Vatican has been hiding all these years. Much of our history is going to have to be rewritten when this is all over.

We will provide up-dates on the negotiations whenever possible over the coming week.

Benjamin Fulford



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