





Someone who doesn't believe in unconditional love finding themselves surrounded by it is truly a wonderful life, almost like something out of a movie. I think it's perfect just the way it is.





God may not concern themselves with humans, but isn't it because demons seek to entice humans? At least, that's how it seems to me as a Buddhist.





The cause that once prospered our human community and now leads it towards destruction lies in the quantification and comparability of 'evaluation' placed upon individuals.





If you're referring to the theory of "emptiness" (the notion that there is no independent "self"), you probably already surpass my knowledge of Buddhism. However, despite the different approaches, it's very gratifying to see similar lines of thought being pursued.





I don't fully understand Aristotle, but the theme at the beginning of modern art was to "shake up common sense in life." However, if we consider this to be common to classical art as well, we can say that art and philosophy have a strong affinity.






To put it in extreme terms, the denial of "thought" leads to debate, but the denial of "values" leads to war.

It might be an exaggeration to say that, but perhaps when "thought" is denied, people tend to argue or start to reconsider their own ideas, whereas if "values" are denied, they are likely to become angry.





Human morality may be measured by their actions, but perhaps "simply existing" is also an action, and it feels like a good thing.





To put it bluntly, ancient Rome engaged slaves in labor, allowing citizens to devote themselves to contemplation and enlightenment. AI, instead of taking over human thought, might impose thoughtless labor on humans.

 In other words, the roles of humans and robots are reversed.





I had thought that Heidegger's existentialism was similar to that of Buddhism, but I didn't know it was influenced in this way. It's fascinating. Thank you.