HITTING SPORTSの核心~「礼の精神(SPIRITS OF REI)」 | 増田 章の「身体で考える」〜身体を拓き 心を高める

【Be Fair!】


HITTING SPORTS構想の論文を書き直している。修正には、もう少し時間がかかりそうだ。ただ、以前にアップした「礼の精神(SPIRITS OF REI)」の部分を掲載したい。まだ見直しが必要だが、前回、書いたものに加筆修正をした。この部分は格闘技をメジャースポーツにするための核心となる。もう一つ、新しいスポーツを構想する際のキーポイントを書いておく。それは普遍性、平等性、公正性だ。特に「公正性」が重要だ。この部分が極真空手における、一番の問題点である。私は、極真空手を世界平和に役立たせないなら、公正性を最も重視するべきだと考えている。「Be Fair!」








そのような高い理想を掲げる試合は修行と言っても良い。「礼(REI)]の作法を実践すること義務づけたい。その「礼(REI)」の形態は「日本式の礼法」に倣う。その礼の意味を説明したい。古の日本に存在した武士階級で武芸の修練を必修としていた。そして、その修練を行う場所を「道場」と名付けていた。その意味と語源を辿れば、仏道の修行場所を「道場」と呼ぶことに由来する。仏道において道場とは、修行の場であり、悟りを得るための修行の場、すべてを意味する。それ故、武士達は道場の出入りに際し、一礼を行うのが慣わしだった。その意味を平たく言えば、「修行場所に感謝をする」というだ。それが武芸、武道においては、修行を共にした師、先輩、同輩、後輩、全てに感謝の意味を込めるのだ。私は、「場所」には空間に対してのみならず、人との出会いや交流を通じての「気づき」すべてに対する感謝があることが理想だと思う。つまり、礼とは、単なる相手に対する「友好」を示すような意味ではないのである。これは、仏道や神道の思想を中国の礼に融合した結果、生まれた作法だと考えている。私は、この感覚をHITTING SPORTSの核心としたい。また、ヒッティングスポーツにおいては、人間が踏み行うべき道の中でも最も普遍的な、生命の尊厳と個人の名誉を護るという意味を所作によって表すという意味を付与したい。言い換えれば、武術を駆使する戦いにおいて、「自己が奪った敵の名誉と生命の尊厳を護る行為」と同時に「自己の名誉と生命の尊厳を護る行為」を意味する。この意識が目指すところは、自他の営為に内在する因縁を悟り、かつ戦いによって生じる「恨み」という因縁を子孫に残さないという意味が含意されている。


以上、HITTING SPORTSにおける「礼の精神」とは「感謝」と「自他の尊厳と名誉を護る」という思想を意味するのである。

私はHITTING SPORTSを世界的なスポーツとしたいが、この日本精神だけは共有していただきたい。否、むしろこの精神を共有出来る者普遍的を増やしていくことがHITTING SPORTS構想の本当の目的といっても過言ではない。また、チャンピオンはどこの国の人間でも構わない。宗教も問わない。だが、この精神を共有することで、日本の先人に感謝を表すことが出来き、かつ人類の平和共存の礎を形成することが出来ると考えている。以上のような精神を具現化する競技者が増えれば、特殊な格闘競技が、より高い意義と社会的価値を持った競技、そしてスポーツと広く認識されるに違いない。


補足を加えれば、格闘競技は、戦う方法が自由になればなるほど、暴力性を喚起させる可能性がある。だが、個々の競技者がその暴力性をコントロールすることにより、その行為が崇高になると考えている。そして、その崇高さが顕現する可能性は、戦いにおいて恐怖心が高まれば高まるほど増大するだろう。そこに格闘技スポーツの価値があると思っている。要するに、個対個の激しい戦いにおいて、「礼の精神(SPIRITS OF REI」を内発的に実践しようとする境地が「人間の崇高さ」が顕現する地平であり、そのことを具現化すれば、格闘技の社会的価値が最高レベルに達すると予想する。また、恐怖心と対峙し、それを勇敢に乗り越えようとした時、競技者の内面は「真剣さ」を増し、かつ「誠実」になると考えている。その真剣さと誠実さ、自制心と勇気が、最高レベルのスキルを発揮するための精神(理性)となる。同時に崇高な精神となるのだ。また、競技において自己を極限状態に置くことで、競技者をその内面と対峙させ、理性の高みを直観する機会とするのだ。以上のような理念が具現化されれば、その戦いに感動が生まれるのは必然である。一方、相手に勝つために、自制心を喪失し、動物のように戦う競技者には、一種の嫌悪感すら生まれるだろう。もちろん、状況においては本能的、かつ動物のように戦うことが必要だと思う。また、究極的に考えれば、動物のように本能的に戦うことに問題はないのかもしれない。しかしながら、極限的な状況下においても、決して人間性を喪失しないよう理性の力を発揮し、人間としての崇高さを発揮することを目指すことは必要だと思う。もし、そのような崇高さを発揮できたなら、たとえ死んだとしても、名誉を失わない生き方となると考えている。






[Be Fair! ]

I am rewriting the paper on the HITTING SPORTS concept. It looks like it will take a little more time to fix it. However, I would like to post the "SPIRITS OF REI" section that I uploaded earlier. I still need to review it, but I want to capture what I wrote last time. This is the core of what makes martial arts a major sport. I would like to write down one more key point when conceiving a new sport. These are universality, equality, and fairness. In particular, ``fairness'' is important. This part is the biggest problem in Kyokushin Karate. I believe that if Kyokushin Karate does not contribute to world peace, then fairness should be given top priority. "Be fair!"



I would like to mention one more thing about the core of the hitting sport. Hitting sports are a "short journey'' where you don't just enjoy winning or losing, you realize the edge of competition from the competition and make the most of it. This "short journey'' also seeks to encounter the ultimate "one blow'' as "enlightenment.'' To achieve this enlightenment, it is necessary to feel eternity (the path) in the shortest moment (the moment). In order to experience such a "short journey,'' it is necessary to think about the life and death inherent in the situation and be prepared to confront oneself and others. Of course, hitting is not about winning by killing your opponent. This is because sports are not training for fighting to kill or injure people. However, as a new fighting sport, hitting sports should be used as training to imagine how to control one's spirit and maintain one's nobility during serious combat using martial arts.


A match that holds up such high ideals can be called training. I would like to make it compulsory to practice the etiquette of "Rei (REI).'' The form of "Rei (REI)'' follows the "Japanese style of etiquette.'' I would like to explain the meaning of that courtesy. The samurai class that existed in ancient Japan required training in martial arts. He named the place where he trained as a "dojo.'' If we trace its meaning and etymology, it comes from the fact that a place of Buddhist training is called a ``dojo.'' In Buddhism, a dojo is a place for training, a place for training to attain enlightenment, and anything else. Therefore, it was customary for samurai to bow once when entering and exiting the dojo. To put it simply, it means ``to be grateful to the place of training.'' In martial arts and martial arts, we express our gratitude to all the people we trained with, including our teachers, seniors, peers, and juniors. I think that ideally, when it comes to "places,'' there should be an appreciation not only for the space, but also for all the "awareness'' that comes through encounters and interactions with people. In other words, courtesy does not simply mean showing "friendship" toward the other person. I believe that this etiquette was born as a result of merging Buddhist and Shinto ideas with Chinese etiquette. I want this feeling to be the core of HITTING SPORTS. In addition, in the hitting sport, I would like to give it the meaning of expressing the meaning of protecting the dignity of life and personal honor, which is the most universal path that humans should take, through their actions. In other words, in a battle that makes full use of martial arts, it means "the act of protecting the honor and dignity of life of the enemy you have stolen'' and ``the act of protecting one's own honor and dignity of life.'' The goal of this consciousness is to realize the connections inherent in one's own and others' actions, and to avoid leaving behind to one's descendants the "resentment'' caused by battle.


As mentioned above, the "spirit of Re1'' in HITTING SPORTS means "gratitude'' and the idea of "protecting the dignity and honor of oneself and others.''

I want HITTING SPORTS to become a global sport, but I want people to share this Japanese spirit. No, it is no exaggeration to say that the true purpose of the HITTING SPORTS initiative is to increase the number of people who can share this spirit. Also, the champion can be from any country. Religion doesn't matter. However, I believe that by sharing this spirit, we can express our gratitude to Japan's predecessors and form the foundation for peaceful coexistence of humanity. If the number of athletes who embody the above-mentioned spirit increases, special fighting sports will no doubt become widely recognized as a competition and sport with greater significance and social value.


As a side note, martial arts can arouse more violence as the methods of fighting become more free. However, he believes that when each contestant controls his or her violent nature, the act becomes noble. And the possibility of that sublimity manifesting will increase as fear increases in battle. I think that's where the value of martial arts sports lies. In short, in the fierce battle between individuals, the state where one tries to internally practice the "SPIRITS OF REI" is the horizon where "human nobility" is manifested, and if this is realized, , I predict that the social value of martial arts will reach its highest level.Furthermore, when competitors face their fears and bravely try to overcome them, their inner feelings will increase in "seriousness'' and become "honest.'' I believe that seriousness, sincerity, self-control, and courage become the spirit (reason) that allows you to demonstrate your skills at the highest level.At the same time, it becomes a noble spirit.Also, when you compete, you push yourself to the ultimate state. By placing the competitors in the position, it is an opportunity to confront their inner selves and intuit the height of their rationality.If the above philosophy is realized, it is inevitable that the battles will be thrilling.On the other hand, , a competitor who loses self-control and fights like an animal in order to defeat his opponent may even create a kind of disgust.Of course, the situation calls for fighting instinctively and like an animal. Also, if you think about it ultimately, there may be nothing wrong with fighting instinctively like an animal.However, even under extreme circumstances, it is important to exercise the power of reason so as not to lose your humanity. I believe that it is necessary to aim to demonstrate one's nobility as a human being.If one can demonstrate such nobility, I believe that even if one dies, one will live a life without losing one's honor.


I believe that by making the ultimate goal of competitions to internally manifest this sublimity as a human being within the competitors, we can eliminate the acts of slaughter and war between humans that have not disappeared yet. I want to aim to realize my ideals and ideas. I also believe that the pursuit of that ideal will elevate violent martial arts to a higher level and make more people empathize with it. Furthermore, I would like to work with the philosophy of hitting sports as demonstrating and fostering the sublimity of human reason. In other words, martial arts competitions are established as a hitting sport, which is held for the purpose of realizing ideals.