情報場には天国も含まれている?ジョッシュとサイモンが教えてくれる情報場の風景。 | まさワークス美容・アンチエイジング遠隔ヒーラー


2019年7月アメブロに戻ってきました。^^/Twitterで更新情報フォローできます。 https://twitter.com/masaworks4u

 I think I introcuced this one before, but I want to shere this video with you again. 


 If you watch this, you will know something about where emotion comes from. 


 Emotion comes from our memories about relationships with people, such as friendship, family, love ...a nd so on.


( Well, I'm not sure if my English sentences mean what I mean to you, ha ha, you gotta read my mind. I know you are good at it. )


 And you could realize that our brain is connecting each other, that we call it homeostasis. Also homeostasis are effect environmentally to us

 You know such as singer Josh, audience,  Judges - Simon! - , and even Heaven which Josh friend lives in.


That means...

They are also living with us, aren't they?


Let's shere this moment together!


Masa ; )



And, you can tell Josh strongly try to hopes/beleaves that his friend in Heaven must be happy, even without him...


That makes me realy realy very emotional...