Resident Audit Request Statement  Jun23, 2022

My name is Masashi Nakano, and I am requesting a residents' audit.
I was in charge of railroad car export at Sumitomo Corporation, and then obtained an MBA from the University of London Business School. I succeeded my father's company and am now engaged in the real estate business.
I have joined the audit claimants because I find many inconsistencies and questions in the contract concluded with Osaka IR this time.

(1) I think it is unreasonable why the huge amount of soil improvement costs, etc. must be borne at public expense.
Originally, the condition of the public solicitation was that the land improvement costs would not be covered by any warranty, and the transactions up to that point were also made under that condition, so there is no consistency.
That was Osaka City's condition up to that point.

The root of this land problem is that the Osaka City Urban Planning Council deliberated on changing the zoning of Yumeshima from an industrial or semi-industrial zone to a commercial zone, and the decision was made by a majority vote.

During the deliberation, the following issues were raised
(1) Yumeshima is vulnerable to large-scale disasters such as typhoons, tsunamis, storm surges, and Nankai Trough earthquakes, and is the most vulnerable land along the Osaka Bay coast to storm and tsunami damage. In addition, soil liquefaction and flooding, as well as the isolation of visitors expected from the Expo, casino, and IR due to the shutdown of transportation infrastructure functions during earthquakes and storms, were anticipated, and opinions were expressed that it is not appropriate to build commercial and visitor facilities where many people will stay for long periods of time.

In response, Osaka City responded that the area to be used as an international tourism center is filled with soil at least 5 meters higher than the height of the highest tsunami expected to be generated by a Nankai Trough earthquake, and that the land was reclaimed with clay soil and sand, making it a foundation that is resistant to liquefaction, and that there would be no problem. The land is reclaimed with clay soil, which is resistant to liquefaction, and therefore, there is no problem.

As the second point regarding the location of commercial and visitor-attracting facilities on Yumeshima, there was an opinion that it is not appropriate to construct commercial and visitor-attracting facilities on Yumeshima because the soil there is unstable and contains pollutants and toxic substances.

The City of Osaka's position on this is that "the area to be used as an international tourist center is being reclaimed with dredged soil and construction debris in compliance with the standards in place at the time of acceptance of the site.

In other words, we must say that this lax city planning council was the cause of Osaka City having to bear the cost of the significant soil challenge this time.

Even though the change of use was implemented by the Metropolitan Planning Commission, based on the strong argument that the land could sufficiently withstand use as a commercial district, we cannot help but be amazed at the attitude of a single business operator that simply complies when asked to resolve the land issue based on a little research.

This is nothing short of a major operational oversight by the City of Osaka, and the mistake has resulted in the need to spend a great deal of taxpayer money.

The Metropolitan Accounting Commission also has a total of 29 members on its Metropolitan Accounting Commission, consisting of 14 members of the Osaka City Council and 15 academics. On the day of the meeting, seven academics were absent, and no questions or opinions were raised by the participating committee members. 

It seems to me that the change of zoning was really allowed to take place at such a meeting.

I am a licensed real estate transaction manager, and I am well aware of the importance of the meaning of zoning designation from my daily work. I am truly dismayed to learn of this situation.

When the zoning was changed, why was it not changed to match the original situation of the land? I have great doubts.

(2) Regarding the public solicitation of business operators, the first round of solicitation resulted in zero applicants.
Therefore, ORIX + MGM Group asked for a condition to bear the cost of soil improvement, to which the City of Osaka agreed, and this led to only one company responding to the second round of solicitation.
However, this also raised the question from others as to whether sufficient time was given to other groups to consider their applications, despite the major change in conditions, such as the change in the cost burden of land improvement.

In addition, the fact that the party making the public solicitation did so without any prior consideration of what and to what extent they should bear the cost, must be said to have been an absolutely terrible change procedure, in which the applicants were to bear the cost at the behest of the operators.

(3) Changing the conditions of the project is a major change, and the merits and demerits of such a change should have been fully considered.
Why should these conditions be changed at the request of a single company?
The fact that the Tokyo Metropolitan Planning Commission stated so clearly that there would be no liquefaction is also the fact that the Association of World Expositions has been informed that there will be no liquefaction.

Furthermore, will you retract the fact that you are reclaiming the site with dredged soil and construction debris that complies with the standards set forth by the Metropolitan Board of Accountancy? It is unbelievable to me that something so clearly stated at the TMTR could be so easily overturned.

(4) I am also very concerned that Osaka City has not conducted a thorough independent soil survey in accepting the operator's claims.
Even if Osaka City were to completely retract its previous claims, it would naturally investigate the current state of the soil, etc., and this would enable it to compare costs and consider whether or not this land should continue to be used to host an IR project, which I believe is a step that should have been taken.

It is too violent to declare that they will bear the burden of the soil in Yumeshima before they have conducted a study of the soil. Is it acceptable to promise to bear the burden of something that we do not know how much it will cost? I think Osaka City should have taken responsibility for the survey and then decided whether or not to bear the burden.
How did something that both the governor and the mayor had publicly stated would not use any taxpayer funds because it was a private building become a huge burden? The validity of that decision should be verified.

(5) It is undesirable to use an act of debt burden to resolve the land issue, as the actual financial burden on Osaka City is likely to be even greater.
(If a large amount of financial expenditure is made based on an act of debt burden, it will be extremely difficult from a political and administrative standpoint not to raise the limit in subsequent years.)

The actual underground conditions of the land issue measures (removal of underground obstructions, soil contamination countermeasures, and liquefaction countermeasures) are unknown, so the basis for the 78.8 billion yen debt burden act is questionable.

In ordinary public works projects, the local government estimates the cost of the project, and then the contractor is required to perform the project after securing a fair price through bidding. In contrast, this project is a "negotiated contract" with Osaka IR Corporation, and there is no guarantee that the project will be carried out at a fair price.

➡I don't see why we need to go to the trouble of making this an act of debt burden.
If you are going to reform yourself, you should find a way to reduce the cost by even one yen.

(6) Normally, it is common practice in real estate transactions to carefully sign contracts regarding land transactions where there are problems such as soil contamination. Therefore, the soil problem is stipulated as something that should be explained in the important matters.

However, in the course of this series of transactions, it appears that the City of Osaka, to take it to the extreme, tried to cover up or conceal the fact that there was a problem with the land.

In other words, the city's Port and Harbor Bureau, which had been responsible for the project, was reorganized and merged with the prefectural government's Port and Harbor Bureau, even though it was not necessary, and it appears that the city's Port and Harbor Bureau staff may have weakened their authority to speak out. In fact, we have heard that serious city officials who continued to earnestly warn about the Yumeshima land issue have been reassigned.

Why did a senior official of the IR Promotion Bureau, who is not familiar with the Yumeshima land issue, take the initiative in the Yumeshima land issue?
(7) The basic agreement is set up with a remarkably unequal right of release.
The conditions for withdrawal by Osaka IR Corporation (the operator) are very loose, whereas the penalty for cancellation by Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City is extremely large. This can be said to place Osaka City in a position of substantial and formal subordination to Osaka IR Co.

If a private company were to enter into such a contract, it would be so unequal and egregious that it would be considered a breach of trust in some cases.

(8) The profitability of the project has not been thoroughly verified, nor have the details been disclosed to the public.
If a private business operator is to conduct a project entirely with private-sector money, it is not necessary to disclose the details of the project, but since an unprecedentedly large amount of public money is to be spent, the feasibility of the project must be clarified in detail so that the people of the prefecture can understand the project. There is no room for trade secrets.

(9) This IR plan itself is nothing like what was originally proposed.
The original explanation to us, the residents of the prefecture, was that the casino would be opened for wealthy foreign residents, with the aim of attracting wealthy foreign residents, promoting the tourism industry to a large extent, and attracting a major entertainment industry.

However, the casino is for Japanese people in Japan, and the MICE facility, which will boost the entertainment industry, will be on a much smaller scale than originally planned, and is not expected to attract a large number of visitors.

(10) In the first place, isn't the legalization of gambling not something that has been approved with a great deal of fanfare, but is largely legal in nature, the price of great economic benefits?
That being said, business profitability is the most essential element for a casino to operate.
It is obvious that a casino cannot be opened unless it is proven that this is exactly guaranteed.
However, no data has been presented to verify the feasibility of the project, and it is clear even to the untrained eye that the figures presented in piecemeal fashion do not represent the feasibility of the project.

Finally, I believe that the Osaka IR project is a very sloppy plan that will be a disaster for future generations, and rather than contributing to Osaka's growth, it contains the danger of leading the city to bankruptcy.

Translated with DeepL














