GOALS IN YOGA? | マックス柔術アカデミー&ヨガスタジオつくば竹園のインストラクター日記




Goals. One of the most confusing ideas in yoga. We keep hearing “touching the floor with the fingertips is not the goal”, “bringing the heels to touch the mat in Down Dog is not the goal”, getting strong and flexible is not the goal, getting calm is not the goal, learning to breathe correctly or even meditate is not the goal. So what is the goal in yoga??? 


Uff, what a tough question. Well, if we speak about yoga in its most traditional, old sense, when it was still closely connected with religion, its goal was also only spiritual. The whole practice of yoga, - its physical aspect, breath control and meditation , - were meant to serve that goal. 


But today yoga is accessible to all, regardless of their views and beliefs. We don’t have to worry about spiritual  transformations anymore. Yet, modern yoga doesn’t clarify any new specific goals for us. Why? 

First of all, it is because we all get to choose our own yoga journey, and the reasons why we do yoga might be different from person to person. 

Secondly, - as I probably have mentioned before, - it is because goals have a limiting nature. When we set a goal, we may create an attachment to the desired result. We fix our mind on it, and this limits our vision, not allowing us to see other benefits we may receive from our practice. 


However, practicing without any certain objectives is hard. If we do have to set goals in front of us in our yoga practice, the keywords here would be “improvement” (not “perfection”), “liberation”, “purification”, “mindfulness”. Further details are up to each and every practitioner, - depending on their needs, - but let us remember that there are no ultimate goals. Whatever we achieve, it’s good, but there’s a lot more ahead of us. 

Let us enjoy the process of discovering and learning, and keep our eyes wide open for new opportunities. 


Have a good week!










16:00~16:45 Kids Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】



16:00~17:00 Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】








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