SUCCESS IN YOGA | マックス柔術アカデミー&ヨガスタジオつくば竹園のインストラクター日記





You do yoga, so can you stand on your head? Can you touch the floor when standing and keeping your legs straight? Do you work out every day?


These are the questions that yoga practitioners hear many times. Many people think that these are the things that make yoga practice successful. But it is not so. 

In fact, there are many devoted yoga practitioners and teachers who do not do arm balances and don’t stand on their hands. It is because they don’t need it. Yoga only wants us to take care of all our body systems to keep our “vehicle” (this is how yoga perceives the body) healthy. The choice of asanas in our practice depends on our health condition. 

As I said before, the true goals of yoga are different. And success in yoga is defined in a different way.


Yoga practice includes the “work” on the mat, studying, contemplating, setting clear intentions, making effort to become the best version of oneself for one’s own benefit and the benefit of the people around and the world. And many other things. 

Yoga practice is considered a success as long as the practitioner is firmly determined to continue it and does it regularly until yoga becomes his/her entire life. If you feel that light within you, and you wish to shine it out into the world, to make it a better place; or if you feel happy and wish to make other people happy too… This is when you achieve true prosperity. This is when your yoga practice becomes successful. 












16:00~16:45 Kids Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】



16:00~17:00 Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】








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