YOGA IN SUMMER - MOON PIERCING BREATH | マックス柔術アカデミー&ヨガスタジオつくば竹園のインストラクター日記




Let’s be honest, in summer it gets more difficult to keep up with the physical routine. Some of us feel lethargic, some of us suffer from migraines, some get tired swollen legs. Summer is not an easy season for many of us. 


Yoga (its physical practice) is considered a low impact activity, and it might be an excellent choice of a physical routine in hot times. It will not overload your body, it will give you energy and help you to stay healthy physically and mentally. Yoga also has pranayamas which are believed to produce a cooling effect on the body and calm the nervous system.


One of them is Chandra bhedi pranayama. (Moon piercing breath).

Here’s how we do it.

  1. Sit up straight having folded legs on the comfortable manner. Sitting on a chair is acceptable too.
  2. If you are right-handed, cover your right nostril with your thumb (for left-handed people that would be a ring finer of their left hand)
  3. Breathe in through your left nostril gently and deeply, until you feel up your lungs. Retain your breath while you are closing your left nostril and opening the right one. 
  4. Slowly and mindfully exhale through your right nostril.
  5. Close your right nostril, open your left one and repeat. In this technique we always inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right one. 
  6. Please do 8-10 rounds of these. 

Stay cool and well hydrated!











16:00~16:45 Kids Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】



16:00~17:00 Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】








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