VIRABHADRASANA I, WARRIOR I POSE. The alignment. | マックス柔術アカデミー&ヨガスタジオつくば竹園のインストラクター日記




Hello! Some time ago I posted on the legend standing behind this pose that is one of the most commonly practiced poses in yoga. As one may guess from its name, it commemorates a strong and fearless warrior Virabhadra who fought for Shiva, one of the chief gods in Hinduism. 


Virabhadrasana has several variations with slightly different alignment points to keep in mind. Let me mention a few of them that are important in the first variation of the poses so that your pose becomes safer and even more beneficial next time you practice it.


The legs. The front knee should be roughly aligned over the ankle, or stay slightly behind it. The soles of the both feet equally press into the floor, the back foot being at about 45 degrees towards the front. 


The upper body. Extended, the spine is not in a backbend. Engage your lower belly.


Arms and shoulders. Arms are extended but shoulders lowered down and away from the ears.


Body Direction. The entire body is aligned with the front of the mat. Try to square your pelvis with the front edge of the mat to minimize rotation in the lower spine, but make sure not to overdo it. 


To make the pose more challenging, try lifting your gaze toward your hands and notice the changes in your experience of the pose. 


Enjoy your practice! 










16:00~16:45 Kids Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】



16:00~17:00 Yoga in English 【Zhenya先生】








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