実践!リーディング・ログ(英語) | 羊たちの楽園~理想のシェアハウス探求日誌~



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Reading log


Date: 27 Oct, 2010

No, of pages read: P13 to P27

Source (book, web, magazine, etc.): book

How to get started in REAL ESTATE INVESTING

Key words:

sway: vb, 1to swing to and fro, 2to lean to one side and then the other, 3to be unable to decide between two or more opinions, 4to influence (someone) in his opinion or judgment, (noun)5power or influence

jubilant: adj, feeling great joy

ecstasy: noun, a state of extreme delight or joy. Ecstatic (adj)

assign: vb, 1to select (someone) for a post or task, 2to give a task or duty (to someone), 3to attribute to a specified cause, 4to set apart (a place or time) for a particular function or event, 5Law to transfer (one’s right, interest, or title to property) to someone else

guru: noun, 1a Hindu or Sikh religious teacher or leader, 2a leader or adviser of a person of group of people


One of the keys to make money on rentals is to avoid changing tenants often. And one of the best ways to keep tenants is to charge slight less than market price. That’s why, it is important that we buy a house less than market price. We must not be swayed by sentiment (fall in love with a home). We must be prepared to try offers on many properties in order to get one at good price. And never give the sellers more than 24 hours to accept an offer. Make time work for us and against the other party. Time is of the essence in real estate. If we buy a house at far below market price, we will be jubilant or ecstatic. And then, when we drew up the contract, after our name, we have to write in “Or Assigns.” It will definitely help us to transact “flipping.” However, when we do flipping a property, we must have another buyer to sign a statement that she is aware of what we are paying for the property, she has no objections. If the buyer looks upon us as a kind of real estate guru, she will be glad to pay money for learning a good experience.