ジョン・フォッセの作品 | 2023 年ノーベル文学賞 | 1分間の短期集中コース | ねぇ、マロン!




The works of Jon Fosse | 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature | One-minute crash course




Nobel Prize


Have you ever heard of writer Jon Fosse? 

The 2023 literature prize was awarded “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable”. Fosse is one of the most widely performed playwrights of our era, but his novels have also attracted a great deal of international attention. 


The italicized text below uses YouTube's transcription function.


Norwegian Jon Fosse was awarded  the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature 

In his innovative plays and novels  he “gives voice to the unsayable”. 

His novel Septology is about two friends  and artists who are both named Asle.  

They live very different lives, while at the same  time being two versions of the same person,  

two versions of the same life. What makes us who we are?

Why do we lead one life and not another? Here one of them – now a teenager – is getting  

ready to move away from home to start high school. “… it’s a memorable day, Asle is leaving his  

childhood home while he’s still so young,  so that’s the end of his adolecence,  

the end of childhood, but that’s how it is out  in the country, if you want to go to school you  

need to move away, Father says and Asle doesn’t  say anything and he thinks finally,  finally,  

he’s leaving home, he can’t wait,  he’s going to live by himself, alone,  

and not have to listen to Mother constantly  nagging about him needing a haircut …“



The following was translated using Google Translate.



The italicized text below uses YouTube's transcription function.

(以下の斜体のテキストは YouTube の文字起こし機能を使用しています。)


彼の小説『セプトロジー』は、Asle という名前の 2 人の友人で芸術家についての物語です。
彼らはまったく異なる人生を生きていますが、同時に同じ人間の 2 つのバージョンでもあります。
同じ人生の 2 つのバージョン。 何が私たちを私たちたらしめているのでしょうか?
なぜ私たちはある人生を送り、別の人生を送らないのでしょうか? ここで彼らのうちの一人、現在ティーンエイジャーが、
高校入学のために家を離れる準備ができています。 「…今日は記念すべき日です、アスルが家を出ることになりました」