March 6, 2016 in Drama / Movies / TV, Press Articles by tenshi_akuma (Japan)

Original source:
English translation: Hazy Lee from ECI

[SportsSeoul] Actor Jang Keun Suk, returned with skillful historical drama acting after 8 years, in SBS Mon-Tue drama “Daebak’.

“Daebak” is a historical drama which Jang Keun Suk will appear in after a couple of years, together with its storyline, has brought about much anticipation. Especially through the trailer which was recently released, “A son of the king who is not allowed to live, fights against destiny” revealing the extraordinary life of the character who defies against his fate.

Jang Keun Suk, who is capable of capturing the audience through his great acting skills regardless of genre or character, since the child actor from 2001 “Ladies of the Palace”, then through “The Great Ambition”, “Hwang Jini”, “Hong Gil-dong” shaped his foundation. Especially in “Hwang Jini” his role as “Eunho”, the innocent first love of Hwang Jini, touched the hearts of many female viewers through his untainted look and steady acting, brought about many good feedback on this sad love story. Thereafter the “Prince Changhwi” in “Hong Gil-dong” was regarded as the drama which revealed the depth and charm of Actor Jang Keun Suk.

Jang Keun Suk’s appealing eyes, attractive deep voice, and engaging acting skills, not only attracts the audience, but makes the drama more dynamic, hence many are curious about his role as “Daegil”. Jang Keun Suk has great ambition and determination on this drama, coupled with his full trust in the production team, many looked forward to the great results from this perfect chemistry.

Jang Keun Suk, who was careful in selecting his next drama, has now begun with the filming of “Daebak”, and is immersed into the character “Daegil”. He hoped, through this drama, he could unveil his next acting journey, thus many are curious to see what he will present to the audience.

“Daebak” is a story about the forgotten prince, Daegil and his brother (future King Yeongjo), who enters a match for the throne and love. Daegil (by Jang Keun Suk) who desires the throne while seeking revenge gradually understands the heart of commoners, and walks the path of righteousness, Yeongjo (by Yeo Jin Goo) who is born to a mother of low status, presses towards the throne for survival. And the two who will fight for the love of the same woman.

A son of the king who is not allowed to live, Daegil, by Jang Keun Suk, in drama “Daebak” which will broadcast from March 28 10pm after SBS “Six Flying Dragons”.

記事日本語翻訳 by ya-chan ことわたくし~~~♥(*`艸´)ウシシシ

💛「テバク」で チャン・グンソク、8年ぶりに史劇に復帰・・・「彼の今までの史劇出演作品を巡れば、大ヒット間違いなし」 英文記事の日本語翻訳💛
※これは 2016.3.4. 付 スポーツソウル紙 の 韓国語記事 を ECI ( Eels' Club International ) の Hazy Lee さんが英訳したもの ( Jang Keun Suk Forever Com. に掲載 )の日本語翻訳です。いつも大変な作業、ほんとうにありがとうございます。 CR:

[ スポーツソウル紙 ] 俳優チャン・グンソクがSBSで放映される月・火ドラマ「テバク」で8年ぶりに円熟した史劇の演技で戻って来る。





「テバク」は忘れ去られた王子・テギルとその弟・ヨンイングン(後の王・ヨンジョ ー 英祖)が王位と愛をめぐって争う物語である。復讐を企てながら王位を狙う(チャン・グンソク演じる)テギルが次第に平民の心を理解するようになり、正義の道を歩むようになる一方で、卑しい身分の母親の子として生まれた(ヨ・ジング演じる)ヨンジョは生き残るために王位を目指して突き進む。それと当時に2人は1人の女(ダムソ)の愛を手に入れるため戦うのである。
