グンちゃんが出演する「テバク」とはどんなドラマ?(ドラマ出演が決まった1月28日のツイートより) | ya-chanのブログ


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by tenshi_akuma (Japan)

[News] Jang Geun Suk, Yeo Jin Goo, and Lim Ji Yeon in Talks to Join Forces in New SBS Drama

January 26, 2016 in Drama / Movies / TV, Press Articles by tenshi_akuma (Japan)

UPDATE: This drama has been confirmed as his next acting project!! (January 28, 2016)

Original source: soompi.com
Actors Jang Geun Suk, Lim Ji Yeon and Yeo Jin Goo are reported to act together in one drama.

The three actors’ respective agencies have revealed that these three have “received a casting offer for SBS’s new Monday-Tuesday drama, ‘Daebak,’ and are currently considering the offer.”

“Daebak” is the tale of the misfortunate Prince Young Soo, who was born of royal blood yet lived a life of the lowest class, and Prince Young Jo, who was born as a prince and had everything handed to him on a silver platter, their love stories, their destinies, and the conflict that ensues over the throne. One bets his life, the other bets his country, in a game for Joseon. It is also being called the historical version of 2003 “All In” which starred Lee Byung Hun and Song Hye Kyo.

Jang Geun Suk has been offered the role of Young Soo, Joseon’s infamous swindling gambler who is cool-headed, but has an eternal resentment deep in his heart.

Lim Ji Yeon will potentially play Dam Suh, who was born with the sole purpose of murdering the king. She, who also holds bitter resentment in her heart, proceeds step by step towards the palace. She lives with only revenge on her mind, giving no thought to men and relationships.

Yeo Jin Goo has been offered the role of the clearheaded Young Jo, who has not yet shined on his own during his impending ascent to the throne. He has, however, made a reputation for himself as someone does not bow his head to anyone without reason, even his own father.

Kwon Soon Gyu, the writer of “Jung Yi, the Goddess of Fire” and “Warrior Baek Dong Soo” will be handling the script, and Nam Gun PD, the director of “Mask,” will be directing this upcoming drama. “Daebak” will air its first episode in late March, following the currently airing “Six Flying Dragons.”

記事日本語翻訳 by ya-chan ことわたくし~~~♥(*`艸´)ウシシシ


王族の血を引きながらも最下層民として生きる悲劇の王子ヨンス(JKS)と、かたや王子として生まれ、なに不自由なくすべてを手に出来るヨンジェの2人の王子の恋愛・運命・王位をめぐる争いのお話。 朝鮮王朝時代、一方は命を、他方は国をかけて闘う。 2003年にイ・ビョンホンとソン・ヘギョが主演したオールインの史劇バージョンとも言われている。


イム・ジヨン演じヒロイン・ダムソもまた恨みの感情に駆られた人物として描かれ、王の暗殺だけに命をかけ、着々と王宮に近づいていく。 復讐に燃える彼女は異性への恋愛等を一切遮断している。

ヨ・ジング演じるヨンジェ王子は頭脳明晰ではあるが、王子時代にはまだ自ら光り輝くような人物ではなかった(まだその本領を発揮していない)。 が、しかし、自分の父親である王にさえも正当な理由なしには簡単に頭を下げないことで有名な人物として描かれている。

「火の女神チョンイ」「ぺク・ドンス」を手がけた脚本家クォン・スンギュとドラマ「仮面」を演出したナム・ゴン監督がタッグを組む。 「テバク」は現在放送中の「六龍が飛ぶ」の後番組として3月下旬より全24話で放送予定の時代劇となる。 

出処:soompi.com の英文記事の私訳 

グンちゃんが主演を演じる「テバク」(Daebak/Jackpot)は 3月28日 から 6月14日 まで 毎週月・火曜日 の 夜10時 SBS にて 全24回 で 放送予定 のようです。 pic.twitter.com/lCX4VA2kAc