[article] Jang Keun Suk sets up Cultural Foundation to groom juniors

February 6, 2016 in Press Articles by tenshi_akuma (Japan)

Original source: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=382&aid=0000448124
English translation: Hazy Lee from ECI

Jang Keun Suk personally sets out to discover the next generation of Hallyu Star.
Jang Keun Suk is searching for someone who can be called “Asia Prince Junior”, one who is talented and has great development potentials.

In a recent interview with SportsDongA, he mentioned his plans to start an acting training center as well as establish an entertainment agency.

Jang Keun Suk said: “Starting a training center to develop the next generation, providing an opportunity for these rookies in an agency through activities overseas, and imparting my personal experience to them. Esepcially learning the know-hows through the overseas activities, I will personally share with them.”

Prior to becoming a top-notch Korean star in China and Japan, he himself personally went through many failures and repeated tries, and he hoped the juniors need not go through those phases.

As such, Jang Keun Suk decided to set up a Cultural Foundation. He has plan to name the foundation after himself.

Currently there is already an outlined plan, and there will be various big scale aution events starting end Feb to kick off the plan. He said: “I will not be a by-stander, but will be actively involved, from planning to execution of the plans.”

記事日本語翻訳 by ya-chan こと わたくし~~~♥(*`艸´)ウシシシ

英文訳 JKSは次世代韓流スターを発掘するため、個人でプロジェクトをスタートする予定。彼は才能を持ち、これから大いに伸びていく可能性を持った「第2のアジアプリンス」と呼べるような人材を探して行く。







 以上です。Wow, what an awesome project! We're so proud of JKS♥
