I wrote about my father recently

Today I'll tell you about my mother. 

My mom is a very kind and loving person. 

She has helped many, many people during her life so far (今のところ).

She helps children, the elderly (ご年配の方), stray animals (野良犬、猫), homeless people (ホームレス), lonely people, sad people, and poor people (貧しい人).

For my mother, kindness is the most important thing.  Love for other people is more important than wealth or success, or even health.  And not just love for her own family and friends, but love for everyone, even people we consider enemies.  (consider = think of as)

Even love for nature.  When a big storm is coming, my mother prays for the safety of all the people in the area, but she also prays for the wild animals.

I wish you could know my mother! ドキドキ