To me (私にとって), my father is Superman.
My father built our house all by himself (一人で).

It was a very big job, and it took many years.

He wasn't a professional carpenter (大工さん)when he started building.

He built a small building first to practice.  We used that building as a storage shed (倉庫) and chicken coop (鶏小屋) for many years.

After that, he built our house, put in the electric wiring and plumbing, put the roof on, put down the floor, built shelves, finished the walls and ceilings.  He did it all himself.


And he did it while working full time.  He came home after work, and worked on the house.  He worked on the house on the weekends and holidays.  


And not only that!


He also had a big garden and many animals that he took care of.  He had cows, pigs, goats, chickens, ducks, and guinea hens.  We had fresh meat and vegetables in our freezer (冷凍庫) because of my father's hard work.  He also canned many vegetables (野菜を自分で缶詰にする?).

Here is my Dad:

He is doing the "Japanese photo peace sign".