(originally posted on 2017-04-30 | 20:54:43)




My older sister recovered from her cold
and came to see me in hospital today.

I heard that my husband and kids went out to eat eels,
so I asked him to get some takeout for us!!
As I am not well enough to eat eels yet,
that was supposed to be for my older sister
so that we could have dinner together here.

He misunderstood and got excited that my appetite was back and I was requesting it for myself.


Look at him.
He looks so excited to deliver the eels.
“Sorry to keep you waitingggggggg”
“Thank you soooooooo much! I’m soooo happyyyyyy!”
said my older sister.
My husband is frozen.
He got shocked to know that it was not for me.
“This is for Maya!!?”

We all laughed about it tonight.