(originally posted on 2017-03-02 | 19:22:54)


Today, I heartily laughed aloud about three times. 


The person who made me laugh was, of course, my older sister. 


As to what she said, she asked me to keep it secret.


As laughing or crying helps blood correction,

I think it would be helpful if she comes along with me. 


But she gets dizzy and faints at the sight of blood, 

so she needs to evacuate.  Too bad!!


Doctors also say to my sister when they take my blood, 

“please stay away from here”. 


Someone left me a comment about vein scanner machines.

The other day, I also used it for the first time. 


Although my blood vessels are damaged in many spots, 

I was excited to see the remaining strong veins. 

Still here! This one looks good!   




I wanted to take a photo… 

but I realized that I didn’t have my cell phone with me.  


I had another chance today, and 

I was so ready to get a shot.

But the scanner ran out of battery.

No photo again. 




Hopefully, next time…

Stay tuned ドキドキ

But my blood vessels may not be so interesting… lol