(originally posted on 2017-02-10 | 19:41:03)



It was cold with a little snow today. 


Over the last few days,   

I haven’t been able to control my body temperature well.

Sweating, feeling cold and shaking… 

I was busy, just by myself, in a warm room.


My body condition changes a lot 

at various times of the day. 

An hour ago, I was…. but two hours later….  



I’ve also developed some unpleasant feelings. 


I started feeling jealous of people walking outside. 

They may be able to go far without any breath problem…

I am jealous of mothers who hold their children’s hands…

I feel jealous because she can protect her kid by herself…


But, maybe,  

I also seem to be normal and healthy to some strangers on the street.  


Nobody knows the truth about you.  



I knew it. 

But I was making assumptions and feeling jealous of others.

This is not right…


I am very disappointed myself because 

all my feelings that I have gone through 

and the feelings that developed with me 

had gone back all the way to the point where I had been 

even before the starting point.  



This is where I am now. 


I will face this reality by writing down how I feel here.

I’ll be back to myself tomorrow, 

being myself again.