(originally posted on 2017-02-07 | 10:32:25)


My doctor, yesterday, told me that I looked healthiest since last August!


I had radiation on two parts of my bones. 

I was bending over in pain, but it’s getting a lot better.

Now my radiation-induced esophagitis has almost recovered. 


I think I overcame another hardship. 


As I’ve been going through these struggles 

over and over and over again, 

I feel like I can defeat any hardship, no matter how big it could be.


Once I become physically stable, 

I feel ready to stand at the starting line for another fight.


So right now, I am just back to the starting point. 


But I don’t see it as an “endless” journey anymore.


I feel happy to be back to the start point. 


My focus used to be just to cure. 


But now, I tell myself, 

“Be nice. Let’s stay calm.”

Of course, I don’t necessarily give up, 

and I strongly believe that I would be able to cure this disease. 


This is where I am now. 

I had some changes in my mindset.